Filter System

Modified on: Thu, 17 Oct, 2024 at 6:00 AM

After you have collected data, it will be displayed under the corresponding menu item in the Data Explorer, depending on the type. You can customize the table with the data. You can sort the data, display only certain columns of the data, or filter out certain data. 

You can also search for specific data using a free text search. The following sections will go into more detail about the various customization options.

Text search

In the upper right corner of the Data Explorer you can enter any term in the search field. All elements that contain the search term in one of their columns will then be displayed. 

The search term can also be only part of the text in the corresponding column. For example, you can also search for the name of a network to display all data of a network. Besides terms, you can also search for numbers. 

These are used, for example, in the network object IDs.


Text search field

⚠ It is not case-sensitive and so will also show you data where the term was found in one of the columns not shown.


For each column sorted by, an icon indicates whether sorting is in descending or ascending order.


This symbol indicates that the corresponding column is sorted in descending order


This icon indicates that the corresponding column is sorted in ascending order

How do I sort by the value in a column?

To sort all displayed data by the value in a column, click on the header of the corresponding column. Click once to sort in ascending order or twice to sort in descending order. To remove the sort, click the same header a third time. With this method, you can always sort by one column only. This means that you have no influence on how elements with the same values in the sorted column are sorted.

How do I sort by the values in multiple columns at once?

You can add more columns according to which the displayed elements should be sorted. The elements are first sorted by a column and if the value in the corresponding column is the same, they are sorted by the next column in the sort order. To edit the sort order, click the Sort icon in the upper right corner of the Data Explorer and then click Sort.

The elements are sorted by the columns that are above the dashed line. The icon to the right of the column name indicates whether the column is sorted in ascending or descending order. Accordingly, the elements are sorted first by the top column, and for elements that have the same value in the column, by the column below, and so on. Using drag and drop you can change the order of the columns, as well as add or remove columns from the sort order.


Sort order overview

Visible columns

You can choose which columns to display in the File Explorer for each item. To make a column invisible, click on the cross in the upper right corner of the column header. To make a column visible, first click on the sorting icon in the upper right corner of the Data Explorer and then click on "Visible columns". 

You will first see all visible columns as they appear from left to right in the Data Explorer, from top to bottom in the list. Below that are all the columns that are currently not visible. You can recognize these columns by the fact that the name of the column and the eye symbol at the end of the row is crossed out. By clicking on the eye symbol you can change the visibility of the corresponding column. Invisible columns that have been made visible are displayed at the bottom of the list of visible columns and thus in the table on the far right.

You can edit the order of the visible columns either directly in the table by clicking and dragging the column header to the desired position or by clicking and dragging in the "Visible Columns" list. 


Column visibility overview


You can filter the displayed elements, similar to the text search. For this purpose, you can choose from various filters, depending on the data type. There are four different types of filters, which are shown in the following table as examples:

Filter type


Example image

Date filter

Filter by year or exact time span


Text filter

Filter by columns that either contain, start with, end with, exactly match, or satisfy a regex for a string. A more detailed description of a regex follows below


Yes/No filter

Filter by property ownership. First box activates the filter, second box decides whether to display elements with or without the property


Multi-selection filter

Filter by columns corresponding to at least one selected property. Several boxes can be active at the same time.


If you have activated one or more filters, the buttons in the upper right corner of the Data Explorer will be highlighted in yellow/orange. The number in the blue circle above the filter symbol shows you how many filters are activated. Clicking on the "x" deletes all filters.


Indication that a filter is activated

Regex (Regular Expression)

A regex is a special syntax for describing patterns in strings. It consists of a combination of characters and operators that is used to recognize certain patterns in texts. For example, if you want to recognize an e-mail address, you can use the following regex: [a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$


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