Social Links CE is a free plugin to retrieve data from ZoomEye, Shodan, SecurityTrails, Censys, Rosette, Skype, DocumentCloud, Social Links own database, Companies search (Offshores, CompaniesHouse), etc.
Social Links CE is recommended for Cyber Sec and/or OSINT students.
To read more click here.
Pricing and Access
Social Links CE Transforms are free to all Maltego users. No API Key is required) to retrieve data from ZoomEye, Shodan,
Access option:
- Free limited queries - instant access, no registration required, no API Key required.
- 12 responses per query in Maltego CE (Maltego CE results limit).
[WhoisXML] Whois
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Whois |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Output Entities | Phrase |
whoisXMLWhoisFromDomain | Registration details (WHOIS record) of a domain name | maltego.Domain |
whoisXMLWhoisFromEmailAddress | Registration details (WHOIS record) of an email address | maltego.EmailAddress |
whoisXMLWhoisFromIPv4 | Registration details (WHOIS record) of an IPv4 address | maltego.IPv4Address |
whoisXMLWhoisFromIPv6 | Registration details (WHOIS record) of an IPv6 address | maltego.IPv6Address |
[ZoomEye] Search Webs (exact)
Domain info: city, country, DB, server, etc
zoomeyeAPI | zoomeye.org API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [ZoomEye] Search Webs (exact) |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | ZoomEye |
Transform Name | zoomeyeSearchWebHttpTitleV2 |
Short Description | Domain info: city, country, DB, server, etc |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[ZoomEye] Search Webs
Domain info: city, country, DB, server, etc
zoomeyeAPI | zoomeye.org API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [ZoomEye] Search Webs |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | ZoomEye |
Short Description | Domain info: city, country, DB, server, etc |
Output Entities | Phrase |
zoomeyeSearchWebPhraseV2 | maltego.Phrase |
zoomeyeWebSearch | maltego.search |
[ZoomEye] Search Hosts
Web address info: city, country, port, etc
zoomeyeAPI | zoomeye.org API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [ZoomEye] Search Hosts |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | ZoomEye |
Short Description | Web address info: city, country, port, etc |
Output Entities | Phrase |
zoomeyeSearchHostPhraseV2 | maltego.Phrase |
zoomeyeHostSearch | maltego.search |
[ZoomEye] Search Hosts (delayed)
Get result
zoomeyeAPI | zoomeye.org API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [ZoomEye] Search Hosts (delayed) |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | ZoomEye |
Transform Name | zoomeyeHostSearchR |
Short Description | Get result |
Input Entities | maltego.delayed.zoomeye.ipv4address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[ZoomEye] Search Webs (delayed)
Get result
zoomeyeAPI | zoomeye.org API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [ZoomEye] Search Webs (delayed) |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | ZoomEye |
Transform Name | zoomeyeWebSearchR |
Short Description | Get result |
Input Entities | maltego.delayed.zoomeye.domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[WhoisXML] Whois History
Historical registration details (WHOIS records)
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Whois History |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | whoisXMLWhoisHistoryFromDomain |
Short Description | Historical registration details (WHOIS records) |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[WhoisXML] Subdomains Lookup
List of all subdomains related to a given domain name
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Subdomains Lookup |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | whoisXMLSubdomainsLookup |
Short Description | List of all subdomains related to a given domain name |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[WhoisXML] Reverse IP/DNS
Discover all connected domains hosted on the same IP address
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Reverse IP/DNS |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Short Description | Discover all connected domains hosted on the same IP address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
whoisXMLReverseIPDNS | maltego.IPv4Address |
delayedWhoisXMLReverseIPDNS | maltego.delayed.whoisxml.reverse.ipdns |
[WhoisXML] Reverse MX
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Reverse MX |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
whoisXMLReverseMX | maltego.MXRecord |
delayedWhoisXMLReverseMX | maltego.delayed.whoisxml.reverse.mx |
[WhoisXML] Email Verification
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Email Verification |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | whoisXMLEmailVerification |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[WhoisXML] Reverse NS
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Reverse NS |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
whoisXMLReverseNS | maltego.NSRecord |
delayedWhoisXMLReverseNS | maltego.delayed.whoisxml.reverse.ns |
[WhoisXML] Website Screenshot
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Website Screenshot |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | whoisXMLWebsiteScreenshot |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Website |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[WhoisXML] Domain Availability
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Domain Availability |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | whoisXMLDomainAvailability |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[WhoisXML] IP Geolocation
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] IP Geolocation |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Output Entities | Phrase |
whoisXMLIPGeolocationFromEmail | Geolocation of email\'s MX servers (incl. latitude & longitude, time zone, country, etc.) | maltego.EmailAddress |
whoisXMLIPGeolocationFromIPv4 | Geolocation (incl. latitude & longitude, time zone, country, etc.) | maltego.IPv4Address |
whoisXMLIPGeolocationFromIPv6 | Geolocation (incl. latitude & longitude, time zone, country, etc.) | maltego.IPv6Address |
whoisXMLIPGeolocationFromDomain | Geolocation (incl. latitude & longitude, time zone, country, etc.) | maltego.Domain |
[WhoisXML] IP Netblocks
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] IP Netblocks |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Output Entities | Phrase |
whoisxmlIPNetblocksFromAS | Detailed information about the IP range a particular IP belongs to. Use [Convert] to Entities after getting Netblocks. | maltego.AS |
whoisxmlIPNetblocksFromIPv6 | Detailed information about the IP range a particular IP belongs to. Use [Convert] to Entities after getting Netblocks. | maltego.IPv6Address |
whoisxmlIPNetblocksFromPhrase | Detailed information about the IP range a particular IP belongs to. Use | |
whoisxmlIPNetblocksFromCompany | Detailed information about the IP range a particular IP belongs to. Use [Convert] to Entities after getting Netblocks. | maltego.company |
whoisxmlIPNetblocksFromIPv4 | Detailed information about the IP range a particular IP belongs to. Use [Convert] to Entities after getting Netblocks. | maltego.IPv4Address |
[WhoisXML] Reverse Whois
A list of all the domain records that correspond to the search terms used. Specify search terms in entity properties
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Reverse Whois |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | whoIsXMLReverse |
Short Description | A list of all the domain records that correspond to the search terms used. Specify search terms in entity properties |
Input Entities | maltego.whoisxml.reverse |
Output Entities | Phrase |
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Website Contacts |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | whoIsXMLWebsiteContacts |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[WhoisXML] DNS lookup
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] DNS lookup |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | whoIsXMLDNSLookup |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[WhoisXML] Brand Alert
Recently registered and deleted domain names containing the phrase. Separate by || to search for multiple terms and add ! in the beginning to exclude the term. Ex.: google||!analytics
whoisAPI | WhoIsXML API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [WhoisXML] Brand Alert |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | whoisXMLBrandAlert |
Short Description | Recently registered and deleted domain names containing the phrase. Separate by |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Vulners] Search Vulnerabilities
vulnersApiKey | Vulners API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Vulners] Search Vulnerabilities |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Vulners |
Transform Name | vulnersSearchFromPhrase |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Vulners] Search Exploits
vulnersApiKey | Vulners API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Vulners] Search Exploits |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Vulners |
Transform Name | vulnersSearchExploitsFromPhrase |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Vulners] Details
vulnersApiKey | Vulners API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Vulners] Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Vulners |
Transform Name | vulnersDetailFromExploit |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.vulners.vulnerability |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Sqoop] Search
sqoopLogin | sqoop.com Login | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
sqoopPassword | sqoop.com Password | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Sqoop] Search |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Sqoop |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
sqoopsearchwithauth3 | maltego.company |
sqoopsearchwithauth2 | maltego.Person |
sqoopsearchwithauth | maltego.Phrase |
[Securitytrails] Search Domains by Company
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] Search Domains by Company |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsSearchDomainsByCompany |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.company |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Securitytrails] Search Domains by WHOIS Email
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] Search Domains by WHOIS Email |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsSearchDomainsByEmail |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Securitytrails] Search Domains by IP
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] Search Domains by IP |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsSearchDomainsByIPv4 |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Securitytrails] Search Domains by MX
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] Search Domains by MX |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsSearchDomainsByMXRecord |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Securitytrails] List Subdomains
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] List Subdomains |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsListSubdomainsFromDomain |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Securitytrails] Domain Details
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] Domain Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsDomainDetail |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Securitytrails] DNS History Field NS
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] DNS History Field NS |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsDNSHistoryByFieldNS |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Securitytrails] DNS History Field MX
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] DNS History Field MX |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsDNSHistoryByFieldMX |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Securitytrails] DNS History Field A
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] DNS History Field A |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsDNSHistoryByFieldA |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Securitytrails] Associated Domains
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] Associated Domains |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsAssociatedDomains |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette] Translate Person Name
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
rosetteTargetLanguage | Rosette Target Language(ISO-693 format e.g. eng) | string | eng | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette] Translate Person Name |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette |
Transform Name | rosetteTranslatePersonName |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Person |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette] Translate Location Name
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
rosetteTargetLanguage | Rosette Target Language(ISO-693 format e.g. eng) | string | eng | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette] Translate Location Name |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette |
Transform Name | rosetteTranslateLocationName |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Location |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette] Translate Company Name
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
rosetteTargetLanguage | Rosette Target Language(ISO-693 format e.g. eng) | string | eng | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette] Translate Company Name |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette |
Transform Name | rosetteTranslateCompanyName |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.company |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette API] To Entities From Phrase
Extract entities using a phrase
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette API] To Entities From Phrase |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette API |
Transform Name | rosetteToEntitiesFromPhrase |
Short Description | Extract entities using a phrase |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette API] To Entities from Description
Extract entities from facebook page
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette API] To Entities from Description |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette API |
Transform Name | rosetteToEntitiesFromFBPage |
Short Description | Extract entities from facebook page |
Input Entities | maltego.facebook.page |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette API] To Entities from Bio, About, Description
Extract entities from social network profile
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette API] To Entities from Bio, About, Description |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette API |
Transform Name | rosetteToEntitiesFromDescription |
Short Description | Extract entities from social network profile |
Input Entities | maltego.profile |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette] Identify Vk Post Language
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette] Identify Vk Post Language |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette |
Transform Name | rosetteIdentifyVkPostLanguage |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.vk.post |
Output Entities | Phrase |
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette] Identify Tweet Language |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette |
Transform Name | rosetteIdentifyTweetLanguage |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Twit |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette] Identify Language
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette] Identify Language |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette |
Transform Name | rosetteIdentifyPhraseLanguage |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette] Identify LinkeIn Post Language
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette] Identify LinkeIn Post Language |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette |
Transform Name | rosetteIdentifyLinkeInPostLanguage |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.linkedin.post |
Output Entities | Phrase |
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette] Identify Instagram Comment Language |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette |
Transform Name | rosetteIdentifyInstagramCommentLanguage |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.instagram.comment |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette] Identify FB Post Language
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette] Identify FB Post Language |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette |
Transform Name | rosetteIdentifyFbPostLanguage |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.facebook.post |
Output Entities | Phrase |
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette] Identify FB Comment Language |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette |
Transform Name | rosetteIdentifyFbCommentLanguage |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.facebook.comment |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Rosette API] To Entities
rosetteApiKey | Rosette API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Rosette API] To Entities |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Rosette API |
Output Entities | Phrase |
rosetteExtractEntitiesFromDocument | Extract entities from document | maltego.Document |
rosetteExtractEntities | Extract entities from URL | maltego.URL |
[SL ISE] Islamic By Phone
Display Name | [SL ISE] Islamic By Phone |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | SL ISE |
Transform Name | orientsearchIslamicByPhone2 |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[SL ISE] Islamic By Person
Use "quotes" to find the exact match
Display Name | [SL ISE] Islamic By Person |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | SL ISE |
Transform Name | orientsearchIslamicByPerson2 |
Short Description | Use "quotes" to find the exact match |
Input Entities | maltego.Person |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[SL ISE] Islamic By IP
Display Name | [SL ISE] Islamic By IP |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | SL ISE |
Transform Name | orientsearchIslamicByIP2 |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[SL ISE] Islamic By Email
Display Name | [SL ISE] Islamic By Email |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | SL ISE |
Transform Name | orientsearchIslamicByEmail2 |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[SL ISE] Islamic By Alias
Display Name | [SL ISE] Islamic By Alias |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | SL ISE |
Transform Name | orientsearchIslamicByAlias2 |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Alias |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Offshores] Search
Display Name | [Offshores] Search |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Offshores |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
offshoresSearchByPhrase | maltego.Phrase |
offshoresSearchByPerson | maltego.Person |
offshoresSearchByOfficer | maltego.offshore.officer |
offshoresSearchByLocation | maltego.Location |
offshoresSearchByIntermediary | maltego.offshore.intermediary |
offshoresSearchByGroup | maltego.offshore.group |
offshoresSearchByEntity | maltego.offshore.entity |
offshoresSearchByCompany | maltego.company |
Display Name | [Offshores] To Related Officers |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Offshores |
Transform Name | offshoresOfficerToRelatedOfficers |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.offshore.officer |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Offshores] To Entities
Display Name | [Offshores] To Entities |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Offshores |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
offshoresOfficerToEntities | maltego.offshore.officer |
offshoresIntermediaryToEntities | maltego.offshore.intermediary |
offshoresGroupToEntities | maltego.offshore.group |
offshoresAddressToEntities | maltego.offshore.address |
[Offshores] To Addresses
Display Name | [Offshores] To Addresses |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Offshores |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
offshoresOfficerToAddresses | maltego.offshore.officer |
offshoresIntermediaryToAddresses | maltego.offshore.intermediary |
offshoresEntityToAddresses | maltego.offshore.entity |
[Offshores] To Officers
Display Name | [Offshores] To Officers |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Offshores |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
offshoresEntityToOfficers | maltego.offshore.entity |
offshoresAddressToOfficers | maltego.offshore.address |
Display Name | [Offshores] To Intermediaries |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Offshores |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
offshoresEntityToIntermediaries | maltego.offshore.entity |
offshoresAddressToIntermediaries | maltego.offshore.address |
[Offshores] To Groups
Display Name | [Offshores] To Groups |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Offshores |
Transform Name | offshoresEntityToGroups |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.offshore.entity |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Convert] To Person
Display Name | [Convert] To Person |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Convert |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
offshoresConvertOfficerToPerson | maltego.offshore.officer |
offshoresConvertIntermediaryToPerson | maltego.offshore.intermediary |
offshoresConvertGroupToPerson | maltego.offshore.group |
offshoresConvertEntityToPerson | maltego.offshore.entity |
companieshouseConvertOfficerToPerson | maltego.companieshouse.officer |
companieshouseConvertCompanyToPerson | maltego.companieshouse.company |
[Convert] To Company
Display Name | [Convert] To Company |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Convert |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
offshoresConvertOfficerToCompany | maltego.offshore.officer |
offshoresConvertGroupToCompany | maltego.offshore.group |
offshoresConvertEntityToCompany | maltego.offshore.entity |
companieshouseConvertOfficerToCompany | maltego.companieshouse.officer |
companieshouseConvertCompanyToCompany | maltego.companieshouse.company |
[Convert] To Compnay
Display Name | [Convert] To Compnay |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Convert |
Transform Name | offshoresConvertIntermediaryToCompany |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.offshore.intermediary |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[OCCRP] Entities from Matched Pages
Display Name | [OCCRP] Entities from Matched Pages |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | OCCRP |
Transform Name | occrpResultPageEntitiesNew |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Document.occrp |
Output Entities | Phrase |
fullcontactApiKey | FullContact API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [FullContact] Search |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | FullContact |
Output Entities | Phrase |
fullcontactTwitterSearchV3 | | maltego.affiliation.Twitter |
fullcontactPhoneSearchV3 | | maltego.PhoneNumber |
fullcontactEmailSearchV3 | | maltego.EmailAddress |
fullcontactDomainSearch | Search FullContact by Domain | maltego.Domain |
fullcontactApiKey | FullContact API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [FullContact] To Entities |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | FullContact |
Output Entities | Phrase |
fullcontacToEntitiesV3 | | maltego.Person.fullcontact |
fullcontacCompanyToEntities | Entities from a Company [FullContact] | maltego.company.fullcontact |
[DocumentCloud] Search
Display Name | [DocumentCloud] Search |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | DocumentCloud |
Output Entities | Phrase |
documentscloudSearch | DocumentCloud is a catalog that has more than a million public documents | maltego.search |
documentscloudByWebsite | Documents containing the website in the text or title. DocumentCloud is a catalog that has more than a million public documents. | maltego.Website |
documentscloudByPhrase | Documents containing the phrase in the text or title. DocumentCloud is a catalog that has more than a million public documents. | maltego.Phrase |
documentscloudByPerson | Documents containing the person in the text or title. DocumentCloud is a catalog that has more than a million public documents. | maltego.Person |
documentscloudByEmail | Documents containing the email in the text or title. DocumentCloud is a catalog that has more than a million public documents. | maltego.EmailAddress |
documentscloudByDomainWebsite | Documents containing the domain in the text or title. DocumentCloud is a catalog that has more than a million public documents. | maltego.Domain |
documentscloudByCompany | Documents containing the company name in the text or title. DocumentCloud is a catalog that has more than a million public documents. | maltego.company |
zoomeyeAPI | zoomeye.org API key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Extract] Entities |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Extract |
Output Entities | Phrase |
zoomeyeToWebEntities | Convert important info from domain to entities | maltego.Domain.zoomeye |
zoomeyeToHostEntities | Convert important info from IPv4 address to entities | maltego.IPv4Address.zoomeye |
[Covid19] Search In Social Networks
socialLinksAPI | socialLinksAPI | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Covid19] Search In Social Networks |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Covid19 |
Transform Name | covidSearch |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Covid |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Convert] To Phrase
Display Name | [Convert] To Phrase |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Convert |
Transform Name | convertToPhraseEtheriumAddress |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.ethereum.address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[CompaniesHouse] Search Officers
Display Name | [CompaniesHouse] Search Officers |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | CompaniesHouse |
Output Entities | Phrase |
companieshouseCompanyOfficers | Get information about officers of company | maltego.companieshouse.company |
companieshouseSearchOfficersBySearch | Use "quotes" to find the exact match | maltego.search |
companieshouseSearchOfficersByPerson | Use "quotes" to find the exact match | maltego.Person |
companieshouseSearchOfficersByPhrase | Use "quotes" to find the exact match | maltego.Phrase |
[CompaniesHouse] Get Company with significant control
socialLinksAPI | socialLinksAPI | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [CompaniesHouse] Get Company with significant control |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | CompaniesHouse |
Transform Name | companieshouseGetCompaniesWithSignificantControl |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.companieshouse.officer |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[CompaniesHouse] Appointments
Display Name | [CompaniesHouse] Appointments |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | CompaniesHouse |
Transform Name | companieshouseOfficerAppointments |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.companieshouse.officer |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[CompaniesHouse] Search Officers (exact)
Display Name | [CompaniesHouse] Search Officers (exact) |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | CompaniesHouse |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
companieshouseSearchOfficersByPersonQ | maltego.Person |
companieshouseSearchOfficersByPhraseQ | maltego.Phrase |
companieshouseSearchOfficersBySearchQ | maltego.search |
[CompaniesHouse] To Entities
Display Name | [CompaniesHouse] To Entities |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | CompaniesHouse |
Transform Name | companieshouseOfficerToEntities |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.companieshouse.officer |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[CompaniesHouse] Get Details
Display Name | [CompaniesHouse] Get Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | CompaniesHouse |
Transform Name | companieshouseCompanyDetail |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.companieshouse.company |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[CompaniesHouse] Search Companies (exact)
Display Name | [CompaniesHouse] Search Companies (exact) |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | CompaniesHouse |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
companieshouseSearchCompaniesBySearchQ | maltego.search |
companieshouseSearchCompaniesByPhraseQ | maltego.Phrase |
companieshouseSearchCompaniesByCompanyQ | maltego.company |
[CompaniesHouse] Search Companies
Display Name | [CompaniesHouse] Search Companies |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | CompaniesHouse |
Short Description | |
Output Entities | Phrase |
companieshouseSearchCompaniesBySearch | maltego.search |
companieshouseSearchCompaniesByPhrase | maltego.Phrase |
companieshouseSearchCompaniesByCompany | maltego.company |
[Securitytrails] Search Domains by WHOIS Phone
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] Search Domains by WHOIS Phone |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsSearchDomainsByPhone |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Securitytrails] Search Domains by NS
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] Search Domains by NS |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsSearchDomainsByNSRecord |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] User Subscriptions
Subscriptions for a GitHub user
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] User Subscriptions |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubUserSubscriptions |
Short Description | Subscriptions for a GitHub user |
Input Entities | maltego.github.profile |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Starred
Repositories starred by a GitHub user
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Starred |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubUserStarred |
Short Description | Repositories starred by a GitHub user |
Input Entities | maltego.github.profile |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] User Repos
GitHub repositories created by a GitHub user
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] User Repos |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubUserRepos |
Short Description | GitHub repositories created by a GitHub user |
Input Entities | maltego.github.profile |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Organizations
Organizations joined by a GitHub profile
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Organizations |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubUserOrgs |
Short Description | Organizations joined by a GitHub profile |
Input Entities | maltego.github.profile |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Following
Who is being followed by a GitHub profile
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Following |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubUserFollowing |
Short Description | Who is being followed by a GitHub profile |
Input Entities | maltego.github.profile |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Followers
Followers of GitHub profile
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Followers |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubUserFollowers |
Short Description | Followers of GitHub profile |
Input Entities | maltego.github.profile |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Get Email
Email address for a GitHub user
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Get Email |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubUserEmail |
Short Description | Email address for a GitHub user |
Input Entities | maltego.github.profile |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Get Repo Owner
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Get Repo Owner |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Output Entities | Phrase |
communityGithubUserDetailsByRepository | Owner of a GitHub repository | maltego.github.repository |
communityGithubUserDetailsByFile | Owner of a GitHub file | maltego.github.file |
[Github] Get Profile
GitHub user details from an alias
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Get Profile |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubUserDetailsByAlias |
Short Description | GitHub user details from an alias |
Input Entities | maltego.Alias |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] User Details
Details about a GitHub user
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] User Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubUserDetails |
Short Description | Details about a GitHub user |
Input Entities | maltego.github.profile |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Subscribers
Subscribers of a GitHub repository
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Subscribers |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubSubscribers |
Short Description | Subscribers of a GitHub repository |
Input Entities | maltego.github.repository |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Stargazers
Users who have starred a GitHub repository
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Stargazers |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubStargazers |
Short Description | Users who have starred a GitHub repository |
Input Entities | maltego.github.repository |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Search Person
Search GitHub users by person
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Search Person |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubSearchUserByPerson |
Short Description | Search GitHub users by person |
Input Entities | maltego.Person |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Search by Email
Search GitHub users by email address
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Search by Email |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubSearchUserByEmail |
Short Description | Search GitHub users by email address |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Search by Alias
Search GitHub users by alias
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Search by Alias |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubSearchUserByAlias |
Short Description | Search GitHub users by alias |
Input Entities | maltego.Alias |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Search Repos
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Search Repos |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Output Entities | Phrase |
communityGithubSearchReposBySearch | Search GitHub repositories | maltego.search |
communityGithubSearchReposByPhrase | Search GitHub repositories by phrase | maltego.Phrase |
[Github] Search Code
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Search Code |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Output Entities | Phrase |
communityGithubSearchCodeBySearch | Search GitHub code | maltego.search |
communityGithubSearchCodeByPhrase | Search GitHub code by phrase | maltego.Phrase |
[Github] Get Repo
GitHub repositories containing specified code
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Get Repo |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubRepoFromCode |
Short Description | GitHub repositories containing specified code |
Input Entities | maltego.github.file |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Forks
Forks created from a GitHub repository
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Forks |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubRepoForks |
Short Description | Forks created from a GitHub repository |
Input Entities | maltego.github.repository |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Repository Details
Details about a GitHub repository
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Repository Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubRepoDetails |
Short Description | Details about a GitHub repository |
Input Entities | maltego.github.repository |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Directory Content
Directory content of a GitHub repository
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Directory Content |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubRepoContentDir |
Short Description | Directory content of a GitHub repository |
Input Entities | maltego.github.directory |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Repository Content
Content of a GitHub repository
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Repository Content |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubRepoContent |
Short Description | Content of a GitHub repository |
Input Entities | maltego.github.repository |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Members
Members of a GitHub organization
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Members |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubOrgUsers |
Short Description | Members of a GitHub organization |
Input Entities | maltego.github.organization |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Repositories
Repositories owned by a GitHub organization
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Repositories |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubOrgRepos |
Short Description | Repositories owned by a GitHub organization |
Input Entities | maltego.github.organization |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Org Details
Details about a GitHub organization
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Org Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubOrgDetails |
Short Description | Details about a GitHub organization |
Input Entities | maltego.github.organization |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Github] Contributors
Contributors to a GitHub repository
githubApiKey | Github API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Github] Contributors |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Github |
Transform Name | communityGithubContributors |
Short Description | Contributors to a GitHub repository |
Input Entities | maltego.github.repository |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Censys] To Entities
Creates entities based on service detection
censysAppID | Censys.io App ID | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
censysSecret | Censys.io Secret | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Censys] To Entities |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Censys |
Transform Name | communityCensysToEntitiesByService |
Short Description | Creates entities based on service detection |
Input Entities | maltego.Service |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Censys] Search in IPv4
censysAppID | Censys.io App ID | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
censysSecret | Censys.io Secret | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Censys] Search in IPv4 |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Censys |
Output Entities | Phrase |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByPhrase | Search IPv4 addresses by phrase | maltego.Phrase |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByCert | Search IPv4 addresses by certificate | pt.SSLCertificate |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByCompany | Search IPv4 addresses by company | maltego.company |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByDNSName | Search IPv4 addresses by DNS name | maltego.DNSName |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByDomain | Search IPv4 addresses by domain | maltego.Domain |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByEmailAddress | Search IPv4 addresses by email address | maltego.EmailAddress |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByHash | Search IPv4 addresses by hash | maltego.Hash |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByIP | Search IPv4 addresses and return those related to an IPv4 address | maltego.IPv4Address |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByService | Search IPv4 addresses by services detected | maltego.Service |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByPort | Search IPv4 addresses by open port | maltego.Port |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByGPS | Search IPv4 addresses by GPS coordinates | maltego.GPS |
communityCensysSearchIPv4ByAS | Search IPv4 addresses by AS | maltego.AS |
[Censys] Search in Certificates
censysAppID | Censys.io App ID | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
censysSecret | Censys.io Secret | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Censys] Search in Certificates |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Censys |
Output Entities | Phrase |
communityCensysSearchCertificatesByCert | Search certificates related to another certificate | pt.SSLCertificate |
communityCensysSearchCertificatesByCompany | Search certificates by company name | maltego.company |
communityCensysSearchCertificatesByDomain | Search certificates by domain | maltego.Domain |
communityCensysSearchCertificatesByEmailAddress | Search certificates by email address | maltego.EmailAddress |
communityCensysSearchCertificatesByHash | Search certificates for those with a matching hash | maltego.Hash |
communityCensysSearchCertificatesByIP | Search certificates by IPv4 address | maltego.IPv4Address |
communityCensysSearchCertificatesByPhrase | Search certificates for a phrase | maltego.Phrase |
[Bitquery] Transaction Details
Provides details for this transaction
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] Transaction Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyTransactionDetailV2 |
Short Description | Provides details for this transaction |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.transaction |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Bitquery] Ether Final Destinations
Analyses the full graph of money transactions and calculates the money distribution from the given address, outputs the final balances on addresses taken as the snapshot at snapshot_time paramter time (or the latest state if not specified)
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] Ether Final Destinations |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyAddressDestinationDistributionsV2 |
Short Description | Analyses the full graph of money transactions and calculates the money distribution from the given address, outputs the final balances on addresses taken as the snapshot at snapshot_time paramter time (or the latest state if not specified) |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Bitquery] Top Senders in Native Coin
Provides all addresses who send to this address
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] Top Senders in Native Coin |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyAddressTopSendersV2 |
Short Description | Provides all addresses who send to this address |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Convert] To Entities
Get source and destination addresses for this transfer
Display Name | [Convert] To Entities |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Convert |
Transform Name | bloxyTransferToEntitiesV2 |
Short Description | Get source and destination addresses for this transfer |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.transfer |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Shodan] Search Exploits
shodanAPI | Shodan API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Shodan] Search Exploits |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Shodan |
Transform Name | communityShodanSearchExploits |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Censys] SSL Cert Subject Lookup
Search certificates by subject
censysAppID | Censys.io App ID | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
censysSecret | Censys.io Secret | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Censys] SSL Cert Subject Lookup |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Censys |
Transform Name | communityCensysSearchCertificatesBySubject |
Short Description | Search certificates by subject |
Input Entities | pt.SSLCertificate |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Censys] SSL Cert Issuer Lookup
Search certificates by issuer name
censysAppID | Censys.io App ID | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
censysSecret | Censys.io Secret | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Censys] SSL Cert Issuer Lookup |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Censys |
Transform Name | communityCensysSearchCertificatesByIssuer |
Short Description | Search certificates by issuer name |
Input Entities | pt.SSLCertificate |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Censys] Get Details
censysAppID | Censys.io App ID | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
censysSecret | Censys.io Secret | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Censys] Get Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Censys |
Output Entities | Phrase |
communityCensysDetailByIPv4 | Details enriched from an IPv4 address | maltego.IPv4Address |
communityCensysDetailByCert | Details returned from a SSL certificate | pt.SSLCertificate |
[Securitytrails] WHOIS History
securitytrailsApiKey | SecurityTrails Api Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Securitytrails] WHOIS History |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Securitytrails |
Transform Name | securitytrailsWhoisHistory |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Bitquery] Top Receivers in Native Coin
Provides all addresses who received on this address
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] Top Receivers in Native Coin |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyAddressTopReceiversV2 |
Short Description | Provides all addresses who received on this address |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Bitquery] Token Details
Provides details for this token
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] Token Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyTokenDetailV2 |
Short Description | Provides details for this token |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.token |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Bitquery] Transaction Transfers
Get transfer entities
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] Transaction Transfers |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyTransactionTransfersV2 |
Short Description | Get transfer entities |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.transaction |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Bitquery] Token Transactions
Provides a list of transactions with this token
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] Token Transactions |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyTokenTransfersV2 |
Short Description | Provides a list of transactions with this token |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.token |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Bitquery] Address Details
Provides details for this address
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] Address Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyAddressDetailV2 |
Short Description | Provides details for this address |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Bitquery] Balances
Provides all tokens owned by the address
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] Balances |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyAddressTokensV2 |
Short Description | Provides all tokens owned by the address |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Bitquery] All Money Transfers
Provides all transaction for this address.
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] All Money Transfers |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyAddressTransfersV2 |
Short Description | Provides all transaction for this address. |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.address |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[OCCRP] Search Documents
Display Name | [OCCRP] Search Documents |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | OCCRP |
Output Entities | Phrase |
occrpSearch | Search for documents containing the specified phrase | maltego.search |
occrpSearchCompany | Search for documents containing the specified company | maltego.company |
occrpSearchPerson | Search for documents containing the specified name | maltego.Person |
occrpSearchPhrase | Search for documents containing the specified phrase | maltego.Phrase |
[Skype] Get Profile
Search Skype profile by alias
Display Name | [Skype] Get Profile |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Skype |
Transform Name | aliasToSkypeProfile |
Short Description | Search Skype profile by alias |
Input Entities | maltego.Alias |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Skype] Get Details
User name, location, avatar and etc.
Display Name | [Skype] Get Details |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Skype |
Transform Name | infoSkype |
Short Description | User name, location, avatar and etc. |
Input Entities | maltego.skype |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[Bitquery] Ether Initial Sources
Analyses the full graph of money transactions and calculates the money sources for the given address, outputs the source addresses with amounts
bloxyApiKey | Bloxy.info API Key | string | DefaultValue | True | True | False |
Display Name | [Bitquery] Ether Initial Sources |
Owner | iTDS |
Author | [email protected] |
Data Source | Bitquery |
Transform Name | bloxyAddressInitialSourcesV2 |
Short Description | Analyses the full graph of money transactions and calculates the money sources for the given address, outputs the source addresses with amounts |
Input Entities | maltego.cryptocurrency.address |
Output Entities | Phrase |