Warning: Python Local Library is no longer supported. We recommend the using the Python Maltego-TRX.
Transforms Object
This is the return object for the Transforms.
Available Methods:
Method Name | Description | Returns |
mt.parseArguments(sys.argv) | Parses input Entities to the Transform object. | None |
mt.getValue() | Gets the value of the input Entity. | Value |
mt.getVar(String property name) | Returns the property value of the key. | Value |
mt.addEntity(String Type, String Value) | Adds an Entity to the Transform object. | Entity Object |
mt.addUIMessage(String message, String messageType ) | Adds user-interface message. --(Available message types: FatalError, PartialError, Inform, Debug) | None |
mt.returnOutput() | Returns Transform output to Maltego. | Maltego Message |
Entity Object
Available Methods:
After creating an Entity with the addEntity method in the table above, you can customize the entity that is returned with the methods below:
Method Name | Description | Returns |
me.setType(String Type) | Setter for the Entity Type. | None |
me.setValue(String Value) | Setter for the Entity Value property. | None |
me.setWeight(String Weight) | Setter for the Entity Weight property. | None |
me.setDisplayInformation(String displayInformation) | Setter for the Entity display information property. | None |
me.addAdditionalFields(String Name, String displayName, String matchingRule, String Value) | Set additional fields for the entity. -- (Available matchingRules: strict, false) | None |
me.setIconURL(String iconURL) | Setter for the Entity Icon URL (entity Icon) property. | None |
me.setLinkColor(String HexColour) | Sets the colour of the link. | None |
me.setLinkStyle(Const Style) | Sets the style of the link to the node -- (Available Styles: LINK_STYLE_NORMAL, LINK_STYLE_DASHED, LINK_STYLE_DOTTED, LINK_STYLE_DASHDOT). | None |
me.setLinkThickness(Integer Thickness) | Sets the thickness of the link to the node. Value is in pixels. | None |
me.setLinkLabel(String Value) | Sets the label of the link to the node. | None |
me.setBookmark(Const Color) | Sets the bookmark color of the node. -- (Available Colors: BOOKMARK_COLOR_NONE, BOOKMARK_COLOR_BLUE, BOOKMARK_COLOR_GREEN, BOOKMARK_COLOR_YELLOW, BOOKMARK_COLOR_ORANGE, BOOKMARK_COLOR_RED). | None |
me.setNote(String Note) | Creates an annotation to the node with value 'Note'. | None |