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Maltego Standard Transforms Add-on (CTAS) Server Transforms

Modified on: Mon, 24 Jul, 2023 at 3:17 PM


Standard Transform Add-on (CTAS) Server Transforms query the following data sources:

  • DNS Servers,
  • Search Engines,
  • Online Databases,
  • Social Networks (Flickr, Myspace),
  • Online APIs,
  • Other Public Sources.

Note: This Transform Set is only available to Maltego Standard Transforms Add-on (CTAS) Server users.

MST Add-on (CTAS) Server Transforms

[On-Premise] To DNS Name [From DynDNS username]


Looks up an alias against a list of dyndns domains.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name [From DynDNS username]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceFrom DynDNS username
Transform Nameonprem.toDynDNSNames
Short DescriptionLooks up an alias against a list of dyndns domains.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Alias
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName

[On-Premise] To Phrase [Change Entity Type]


Converts an Alias to a phrase Entity.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Phrase [Change Entity Type]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceChange Entity Type
Transform Nameonprem.convertToPhrase
Short DescriptionConverts an Alias to a phrase entity.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Alias
Output Entitiesmaltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Enumerate hostname numerically]


Enumerates hostnames numerically. E.g. would try mail2., mail3.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
autoPaddingAuto PaddingbooleanTrueTrueTrueFalse
rangeEndRange Endint9TrueTrueFalse
rangeStartRange Startint1TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Enumerate hostname numerically]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceEnumerate hostname numerically
Transform Nameonprem.enumerateHostNamesNumerically
Short DescriptionEnumerates hostnames numerically. E.g. would try mail2., mail3.
Input Entitiesmaltego.DNSName
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName

[On-Premise] To Domains [DNS]

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Domains [DNS]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceDNS
Output Entitiesmaltego.Domain


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.DNSNameToDomain_DNSThis transform extracts all the domains from a DNS Name - it excludes TLDs and SLD.maltego.DNSName
onprem.DomainToDomain_SubThis transform extracts all the domains from a domain name - it excludes TLDs and SLD.maltego.Domain

[On-Premise] To IP Address [DNS]


This Transform resolves a DNS name to an IP address using plain old DNS

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To IP Address [DNS]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceDNS
Transform Nameonprem.DNSNameToIPAddress_DNS
Short DescriptionThis transform resolves a DNS name to an IP address using plain old DNS
Input Entitiesmaltego.DNSName
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address,maltego.IPv6Address

[On-Premise] To Website [Query ports]


This Transform detemines if a DNS Name is a Web Site by checking for responsive HTTP(s) ports.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
http_portsHTTP Query Portsstring[‘80’]TrueTrueFalse
https_portsHTTPS Query Portsstring[‘443’]TrueTrueFalse
timeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Web site [Query ports]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceQuery ports
Transform Nameonprem.DNSNameToWebsite_QueryPorts
Short DescriptionThis transform detemines if a DNS Name is a Web Site by checking for responsive HTTP(s) ports.
Input Entitiesmaltego.DNSName
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] To Entities [IBM Watson]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
companies_to_ignoreCompanies To Ignorestring[‘icann’, ‘google’, ‘microsoft’, ‘ibm’, ‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘adobe’, ‘creative commons’, ‘hp’, ‘yahoo’, ‘amazon’, ‘youtube’, ‘apple’, ‘ebay’, ‘paypal’]TrueTrueFalse
ibm_watson_api_keyIBM Watson Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
ibm_watson_api_urlIBM Watson Api URLstring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Entities [IBM Watson]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceIBM Watson


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput EntitiesOutput Entities
onprem.DocumentToEntitiesThis transform extracts named entities (person, company etc) from the document.maltego.Documentmaltego.Person,maltego.EmailAddress,maltego.Phrase,maltego.Document
onprem.toEntitiesNERTwitterExtracts named entities using IBM Watson.maltego.Twitmaltego.Phrase
onprem.URLToPerson_NLPThis transform uses Natural Language Processing (NLP/NER) to extract entitiesmaltego.URLmaltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] Parse meta information


This Transform extracts the meta information from the document and then parses it for username (persons) and/or email addresses.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Parse meta information
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.DocumentToPersonEmail_Meta
Short DescriptionThis transform extracts the meta information from the document and then parses it for username (persons) and/or email addresses.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Document
Output Entitiesmaltego.Person,maltego.EmailAddress,maltego.Phrase,maltego.Document

[On-Premise] To URL [Show SE results]


This Transform dumps the URL of the Document for further use.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To URL [Show SE results]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceShow SE results
Transform Nameonprem.DocumentToURL_Dump
Short DescriptionThis Transform dumps the URL of the Document for further use.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Document
Output Entitiesmaltego.URL

[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Using Name Schema dictionary]


This Transform will try test various name schema’s against a domain.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
testDepthTest depth for Name Schema Filesint4TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Using Name Schema dictionary]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceUsing Name Schema dictionary
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToDNSNameSchema
Short DescriptionThis transform will try test various name schema’s against a domain.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName

[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Find common DNS names]


This transform will attempt to discover various common DNS Names in a domain.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
brutelistDNS Names to teststringmail,mx,ns,ftp,webmail,web,gateway,secure,intranet,extranet,smtp,pop,ns1,mx1,email,admin,dmz,blog,dns,forum,ntp,pub,route,sql,ssh,webaccess,xml,imap,TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Find common DNS names]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceFind common DNS names
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToDNSName_DNSBrute
Short DescriptionThis transform will try to discover various common DNS Names in a domain.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName

[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Attempt zone transfer]


This Transform will attempt to perform a zone transfer a returns A and Cname records.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
ss_toTimeout (seconds)int8TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Attempt zone transfer]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceAttempt zone transfer
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToDNSName_ZT
Short DescriptionThis transform will attempt to perform a zone transfer a returns A and Cname records
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName

[On-Premise] To Files (Interesting) [using Search Engine]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring''TrueTrueFalse
extensionsSearch Extension [extension:priority]string[‘sql:100’, ‘zip:90’, ‘csv:90’, ‘tgz:90’, ‘bak:90’, ‘old:90’, ‘wav:20’, ‘mp3:20’, ‘exe:20’, ‘txt:20’]TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Files (Interesting) [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Output Entitiesmaltego.Document


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.DomainToDocumentOther_SESearch for interesting files hosted on this domain.maltego.Domain
onprem.PhraseToDocumentOthers_SEThis transform will search for the given phrase and show interesting files contaning the term.maltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] To Files (Office) [using Search Engine]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring
extensionsSearch Extension [extension:priority]string[‘xls:100’, ‘xlsx:100’, ‘csv:100’, ‘doc:70’, ‘docx:70’, ‘ppt:40’, ‘pptx:40’, ‘mdb:40’, ‘pdf:40’]TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Files (Office) [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Output Entitiesmaltego.Document


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.DomainToDocument_SESearch for office documents hosted on this domain.maltego.Domain
onprem.PhraseToDocument_SEThis transform will search for the given phrase and show documents (Office[tm]) containing the term.maltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] To Emails @domain [using Search Engine]


Search for emails containing the domain.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Emails @domain [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToEmailAddress_AtDomain_SE
Short DescriptionSearch for emails containing the domain.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress

[On-Premise] To Email addresses [using Search Engine]


Search for related emails.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Email addresses [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToEmailAddress_SE
Short DescriptionSearch for related emails.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress

[On-Premise] To Email address [From whois info]


This Transform obtains whois information of the IP number, then parses it for email addresses.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Email address [From whois info]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceFrom whois info
Short DescriptionThis transform obtains whois information of the IP number, then parses it for email addresses.
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress


Transform NameInput Entities

[On-Premise] To Entities from WHOIS [IBM Watson]


This Transform obtains whois information of the domain then parses it for entities using NER.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
companies_to_ignoreCompanies To Ignorestring[‘icann’, ‘google’, ‘microsoft’, ‘ibm’, ‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘adobe’, ‘creative commons’, ‘hp’, ‘yahoo’, ‘amazon’, ‘youtube’, ‘apple’, ‘ebay’, ‘paypal’]TrueTrueFalse
ibm_watson_api_keyIBM Watson Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
ibm_watson_api_urlIBM Watson Api URLstring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Entities from WHOIS [IBM Watson]
OwnerJohn Doe
AuthorJohn Doe
Data SourceIBM Watson
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToEntities_Whois_NER
Short DescriptionThis transform obtains whois information of the domain then parses it for entities using NER
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] To DNS Name - MX (mail server)


This Transform will find the MX records (mail servers) of a domain.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name - MX (mail server)
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToMXrecord_DNS
Short DescriptionThis transform will find the MX records (mail servers) of a domain.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.MXRecord

[On-Premise] To DNS Name - NS (name server)


This Transform will find the NS records (name servers) of a domain.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name - NS (name server)
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToNSrecord_DNS
Short DescriptionThis transform will find the NS records (name servers) of a domain.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.NSRecord

[On-Premise] To Phone Numbers [using Search Engine]


Search for related phone numbers.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Phone Numbers [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToPhoneNumber_SE
Short DescriptionSearch for related phone numbers.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber

[On-Premise] To Phone numbers [From whois info]


This Transforms obtains whois information of the given domain, then parses it for telephone numbers.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Phone numbers [From whois info]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceFrom whois info
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToPhone_Whois
Short DescriptionThis transforms obtains whois information of the given domain, then parses it for telephone numbers.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber

[On-Premise] To DNS Name - SOA (Start of Authority)


Extracts information for this domain from the SOA record.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name - SOA (Start of Authority)
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToSOAInformation
Short DescriptionExtracts information for this domain from the SOA record.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.NSRecord, maltego.EmailAddress

[On-Premise] To DNS Name - SPF (sender policy framework)


Extracts information for this domain from the SPF (txt) record.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name - SPF (sender policy framework)
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToSPFInformation
Short DescriptionExtracts information for this domain from the SPF (txt) record.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.Netblock, maltego.IPv4Address, maltego.DNSName, maltego.MXRecord, maltego.DNSName, maltego.Domain

[On-Premise] To Website using domain [Bing]


Search for websites that contain the domain.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Website using domain [Bing]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceBing
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToWebsiteDNS_SE
Short DescriptionSearch for websites that contain the domain.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] To Website [Quick lookup]


This Transform will check to see if there is a www.DOMAIN entry. Useful when used in bulk.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Website [Quick lookup]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceQuick lookup
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToWebsite_DNS
Short DescriptionThis transform will check to see if there is a www.DOMAIN entry. Useful when used in bulk.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] To Website mentioning domain [Bing]


Search for websites mentioning the domain in their content.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Website mentioning domain [Bing]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceBing
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToWebsite_SE
Short DescriptionSearch for websites mentioning the domain in their content.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] To Website [using Search Engine]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Website [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.EmailAddressToDNSName_SESearch for websites that mention the email.maltego.EmailAddress
onprem.PhoneNumberToWebsite_SEThis transform searches for the telephone number and returns related sites.maltego.PhoneNumber
onprem.PhraseToWebsite_SEThis transform will search for the given phrase and show the sites where the phrase occurs.maltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] To Domain [DNS]


This Transform will remove the part in front of the @ sign of the given address.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Domain [DNS]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceDNS
Transform Nameonprem.EmailAddressToDomain_DNS
Short DescriptionThis transform will remove the part in front of the @ sign of the given address.
Input Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress
Output Entitiesmaltego.Domain

[On-Premise] To Email Addresses [using Search Engine]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Email Addresses [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.EmailAddressToEmailAddress_SEThis transform will search for the email address and show related email addresses.maltego.EmailAddress
onprem.PhraseToEmailAddress_SEThis transform will search for the phrase and show related email addresses.maltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] To Person [Parse separator]


This transform attempts to parse the email address to a person’s name using separators.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
formatFormat (FL-firstnamelastname,LF-lastnamefirstname)stringFLTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Person [Parse separator]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceParse separator
Transform Nameonprem.EmailAddressToPerson_Parse
Short DescriptionThis transform tries to figure out if it can parse the email address to a person’s name using separators
Input Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress
Output Entitiesmaltego.Person

[On-Premise] To Phone number [using Search Engine]


This Transform will search for the given email address and show the related telephone numbers.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Phone number [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Transform Nameonprem.EmailAddressToPhoneNumber_SE
Short DescriptionThis transform will search for the given email address and show the related telephone numbers.
Input Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress
Output Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber

[On-Premise] To URLs [Show Search Engine results]


This Transform dumps the URLs collected from the search engine.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To URLs [Show Search Engine results]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceShow Search Engine results
Short DescriptionThis transform just dumps the URLs collected from the search engine.
Output Entitiesmaltego.URL


Transform NameInput Entities

[On-Premise] To Flickr Account


Looks up an email address on flickr and returns account details.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Flickr Account
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.emailToFlickrAccount
Short DescriptionLooks up an email address on flickr and returns account details.
Input Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress
Output Entitiesmaltego.affiliation.Flickr

[On-Premise] To Myspace Account


Looks up an email address on myspace and returns account details.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Myspace Account
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.emailToMyspaceAccount
Short DescriptionLooks up an email address on myspace and returns account details.
Input Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress
Output Entitiesmaltego.affiliation.Myspace, maltego.Alias

[On-Premise] To Circular Area

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
areaRoundValueRadius of Area in mint1000TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Circular Area
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.ToArea
Short Description 
Input Entitiesmaltego.GPS
Output Entitiesmaltego.CircularArea

[On-Premise] To Location [Using]


Takes GPS Co-ordinates to an address via

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Location [Using]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceUsing
Transform Nameonprem.toLocationGeoCode
Short DescriptionTakes GPS Co-ordinates to an address via
Input Entitiesmaltego.GPS
Output Entitiesmaltego.Location

[On-Premise] To Location (broad) [Using]


Takes GPS Co-ordinates to an broader address via

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Location (broad) [Using]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceUsing
Transform Nameonprem.toLocationGeoCodeBroad
Short DescriptionTakes GPS Co-ordinates to an broader address via
Input Entitiesmaltego.GPS
Output Entitiesmaltego.Location

[On-Premise] To Website using IP: [Bing]


Search for websites that have been hosted on this IP.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Website using IP: [Bing]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceBing
Transform Nameonprem.IPAddressToDNSNameBing_SE
Short DescriptionSearch for websites that have been hosted on this IP.
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Reverse DNS]


This Transform reverse resolves an IP address to a DNS name using plain DNS.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Reverse DNS]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceReverse DNS
Transform Nameonprem.IPAddressToDNSName_DNS
Short DescriptionThis transform reverse resolves an IP address to a DNS name using plain old DNS
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName

[On-Premise] To Entities From WHOIS [IBM Watson]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
companies_to_ignoreCompanies To Ignorestring[‘icann’, ‘google’, ‘microsoft’, ‘ibm’, ‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘adobe’, ‘creative commons’, ‘hp’, ‘yahoo’, ‘amazon’, ‘youtube’, ‘apple’, ‘ebay’, ‘paypal’]TrueTrueFalse
ibm_watson_api_keyIBM Watson Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
ibm_watson_api_urlIBM Watson Api URLstring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Entities From WHOIS [IBM Watson]
Data SourceIBM Watson
Output Entitiesmaltego.Phrase


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.IPAddressToEntities_Whois_NERThis transform obtains whois information of IP number, then parses it for entities using NERmaltego.IPv4Address
onprem.NetblockToEntities_NER_WhoisThis transform obtains whois information of netblock (well the first IP in the block), then parses it for entities using NERmaltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To Netblock [Using natural boundaries]


This Transform will carve a netblock from an IP - counting a certain number of IPs up and down.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
cutsizeBlock Sizeint256TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Netblock [Using natural boundaries]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceUsing natural boundaries
Transform Nameonprem.IPAddressToNetblock_Cuts
Short DescriptionThis transform will carve a netblock from an IP - counting a certain number of IPs up and down.
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To Netblock [Using whois info]


This Transform will retrieve the netblock via the whois service (ARIN/APNIC/LACNIC/AFRINIC/RIPE).

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Netblock [Using whois info]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceUsing whois info
Transform Nameonprem.IPAddressToNetblock_whois
Short DescriptionThis transform will get the netblock via the whois service (ARIN/APNIC/LACNIC/AFRINIC/RIPE)
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To Phone number [From whois info]


Transform obtains whois information of IP number, then parses it for telephone numbers.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Phone number [From whois info]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceFrom whois info
Transform Nameonprem.IPAddressToPhone_Whois
Short DescriptionTransforms obtains whois information of IP number, then parses it for telephone numbers
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber

[On-Premise] To Website mentioning IP [Bing]


Find websites containing the IP.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Website mentioning IP [Bing]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceBing
Transform Nameonprem.IPAddressToWebsite_SE
Short DescriptionFind websites containing the IP.
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] To Location [city, country]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
languageCountry LanguagestringenTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Location [city, country]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourcecity, country
Output Entitiesmaltego.Location


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.toLocationThis transform takes an IP address to a location with the MaxMind free city database.maltego.IPv4Address
onprem.toLocationNetblockThis transform takes an netblock to a location with the MaxMind free city database.maltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To Location [country]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
languageCountry LanguagestringenTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Location [country]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourcecountry
Output Entitiesmaltego.Location


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.toLocationCountryThis transform takes an IP address to a location with the MaxMind free city database.maltego.IPv4Address
onprem.toLocationCountryNetblockThis transform takes a Netblock to a location with the MaxMind free city database.maltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To IP addresses [Found in Netblock]


Converts Netblock to IPs within that netblock.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To IP addresses [Found in Netblock]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceFound in Netblock
Transform Nameonprem.NetblockToIPs
Short DescriptionConverts Netblock to IPs within that netblock.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Netblock
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address

[On-Premise] To Netblocks [Cuts Netblock into smaller ones]


Converts Netblock to smaller Netblocks.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
netblockSizeNetblock sizestring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Netblocks [Cuts Netblock into smaller ones]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceCuts Netblock into smaller ones
Transform Nameonprem.NetblockToNetblocks
Short DescriptionConverts Netblock to smaller Netblocks.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Netblock
Output Entitiesmaltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To EmailAddress [Bing]


Search for possible email addresses.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
additionalAdditional term (space=none)string TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring
siteDomain/TLD (space=none)string TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To EmailAddress [Bing]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceBing
Transform Nameonprem.PersonToEmailAddress_SE
Short DescriptionSearch for possible email addresses.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Person
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress

[On-Premise] To PhoneNumber [Bing]


Search for possible phone numbers.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
additionalAdditional term (space=none)string TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring
siteDomain/TLD (space=none)string TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To PhoneNumber [Bing]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceBing
Transform Nameonprem.PersonToPhoneNumber_SE
Short DescriptionSearch for possible phone numbers.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Person
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] To Website [Bing]


This Transform shows sites where a permutation of the person’s name was found.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
additionalAdditional term (space=none)string TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring
siteDomain/TLD (space=none)string TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Website [Bing]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceBing
Transform Nameonprem.PersonToWebsite_SE
Short DescriptionThis transform shows sites where a permutation of the person’s name was found.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Person
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] To Email Address [using Search Engine]


This Transform searches for the telephone number and returns related email addresses.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Email Address [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Transform Nameonprem.PhoneNumberToEmailAddress_SE
Short DescriptionThis transform searches for the telephone number and returns related email addresses.
Input Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress

[On-Premise] To Phone Number [using Search Engine]


This Transform searches for the telephone number and returns related telephone numbers.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Phone Number [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Transform Nameonprem.PhoneNumberToPhoneNumber_SE
Short DescriptionThis transform searches for the telephone number and returns related telephone numbers.
Input Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber
Output Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber

[On-Premise] To Telephone numbers [using Search Engine]


This Transform will search for the phrase and shows the related telephone numbers.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring
exact_matchExact MatchbooleanFalseTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Telephone numbers [using Search Engine]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing Search Engine
Transform Nameonprem.PhraseToPhoneNumber_SE
Short DescriptionThis transform will search for the phrase and shows the related telephone numbers.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Phrase
Output Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber

[On-Premise] To Websites - specifics (pastebin) [using SE]


This Transform will search for the given phrase and show the sites where the phrase occurs.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_keyBing Search Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
bing_search_service_api_urlBing Search Api URLstring
exact_matchExact MatchbooleanFalseTrueTrueFalse
sitelistSite Liststring[‘’, ‘’, ‘’]TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Websites - specifics (pastebin) [using SE]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceusing SE
Transform Nameonprem.PhraseToSpecificSites_SE
Short DescriptionThis transform will search for the given phrase and show the sites where the phrase occurs.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Phrase
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] To Aliases [mentioned in Tweet]


The Transform will extract aliases from a tweet.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Aliases [mentioned in Tweet]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourcementioned in Tweet
Transform Nameonprem.pullAliases
Short DescriptionThe transform will extract aliases from a tweet.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Twit
Output Entitiesmaltego.Alias

[On-Premise] To Hash Tags


Simply splits tweet into words and pulls the hashtag.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
IgnoreHashesHashes to ignore.string TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Hash Tags
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.pullHashTags
Short DescriptionSimply splits tweet into words and pulls the hashtag.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Twit
Output Entitiesmaltego.hashtag

[On-Premise] To Sentiment [IBM Watson]


This transform will retrieve the sentiment of a Tweet.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
companies_to_ignoreCompanies To Ignorestring[‘icann’, ‘google’, ‘microsoft’, ‘ibm’, ‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘adobe’, ‘creative commons’, ‘hp’, ‘yahoo’, ‘amazon’, ‘youtube’, ‘apple’, ‘ebay’, ‘paypal’]TrueTrueFalse
ibm_watson_api_keyIBM Watson Api Keystring TrueTrueFalse
ibm_watson_api_urlIBM Watson Api URLstring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Sentiment [IBM Watson]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceIBM Watson
Transform Nameonprem.TweetSentiment
Short DescriptionThis transform will get a sentiment of a Tweet.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Twit
Output EntitiesPhrase

[On-Premise] To Stock Symbol


Simply splits tweet into words and pulls the stock symbols.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
IgnoreHashesStocks to ignore.string TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Stock Symbol
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.pullStockSymbol
Short DescriptionSimply splits tweet into words and pulls the stock symbols.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Twit
Output Entitiesmaltego.StockSymbol


Attempts to return URLs from tweets.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
expand_urlsExpand URLsbooleanTrueTrueTrueFalse
include_tweetsInclude Tweet LinksbooleanFalseTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To URLs [Extracts links from Tweet]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceExtracts links from Tweet
Transform Nameonprem.pullURLs
Short DescriptionTry return URLs from tweets.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Twit
Output Entitiesmaltego.URL

[On-Premise] To Words [English]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
ignoreRTIgnore RetweetsbooleanTrueTrueTrueFalse
wordListDepthWord List Depthint3500TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Words [English]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceEnglish
Transform Nameonprem.TweetToWords
Short Description 
Input Entitiesmaltego.Twit
Output Entitiesmaltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] To Email Addresses [Found on web page]


This Transform finds the email addresses on the URL.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Email Addresses [Found on web page]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceFound on web page
Transform Nameonprem.URLToEmail_Parse
Short DescriptionThis transform finds the email addresses on the URL
Input Entitiesmaltego.URL
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress

[On-Premise] To Phone numbers [Found on this web page]


This Transform finds the phone numbers on the URL.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Phone numbers [Found on this web page]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceFound on this web page
Transform Nameonprem.URLToPhoneNumber_Parse
Short DescriptionThis transform finds the phone numbers on the URL
Input Entitiesmaltego.URL
Output Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber

[On-Premise] URL to Title


Fetches the title from a given URL. Looks for HTTP and simple JS redirects.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] URL to Title
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.URLToTitle
Short DescriptionFetches title from a given URL. Looks for HTTP and simple JS redirects.
Input Entitiesmaltego.URL
Output Entitiesmaltego.WebTitle

[On-Premise] To Website [Convert]


This Transform converts a URL to a website.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Website [Convert]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceConvert
Transform Nameonprem.URLToWebsite_Convert
Short DescriptionThis transform converts an URL to a website
Input Entitiesmaltego.URL
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website


This Transform looks for outgoing links on the URL and show them as websites.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
HTTP_TimeoutHTTP timeout (ms)int8000TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Website [Links on this web page]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceLinks on this web page
Transform Nameonprem.URLToWebsite_Parse
Short DescriptionThis transform looks for outgoing links on the URL and show them as websites
Input Entitiesmaltego.URL
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] Mirror: Email addresses found


This Transform uses a website mirror to spider the site and extract email addresses.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Mirror: Email addresses found
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.WebsiteToEmailAddress_Mirror
Short DescriptionThis transform uses a website mirror to spider the site and extract email addresses
Input Entitiesmaltego.Website
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress

[On-Premise] To Website Title


Fetches title from a given website. Looks for HTTP and simple JS redirects.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
request_connect_timeoutRequest Connect Timeout (s)string TrueTrueFalse
request_read_timeoutRequest Read Timeout (s)string TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Website Title
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.WebsiteToWebTitle_Mech
Short DescriptionFetches title from a given website. Looks for HTTP and simple JS redirects.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Website
Output Entitiesmaltego.WebTitle

[On-Premise] To URLs [show Search Engine results]


This Transform just dumps the URLs collected.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To URLs [show Search Engine results]
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data Sourceshow Search Engine results
Transform Nameonprem.WebsiteToURL_Expand
Short DescriptionThis transform just dumps the URLs collected.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Website
Output Entitiesmaltego.URL


This Transform uses a website mirror to spider the site and extract links.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Mirror: External links found
OwnerMaltego Technologies
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.WebsiteToWebsite_Mirror
Short DescriptionThis transform uses a website mirror to spider the site and extract links.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Website
Output Entitiesmaltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] To Relationships [BuiltWith]


This Transform returns the identifiers that might be shared with other websites.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
builtwith_api_keyBuiltWith API key:string TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Relationships [BuiltWith]
Data SourceBuiltWith
Transform Nameonprem.builtwith.websiteToRelationships
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the identifiers that might be shared with other websites
Input Entitiesmaltego.Website
Output Entitiesmaltego.builtwith.Relationship

[On-Premise] To Web Technologies [BuiltWith]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
builtwith_api_keyBuiltWith API key:string TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Web Technologies [BuiltWith]
Data SourceBuiltWith
Output Entitiesmaltego.builtwith.Technology


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.ToServerTechnologiesWebsiteThis Transform returns the internet technologies used by the website served on all paths under the main domain of the input websitemaltego.Website
onprem.builtwith.urlToBuiltWithTechnologiesThis Transform returns the internet technologies used by the input URLmaltego.URL

[On-Premise] To Websites [BuiltWith]


This Transform extracts the websites that have the same input relationship.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Websites [BuiltWith]
Data SourceBuiltWith
Transform Nameonprem.builtwith.builtWithRelationshipToWebsites
Short DescriptionThis Transform extracts the websites that have the same input relationship
Input Entitiesmaltego.builtwith.Relationship
Output Entitiesmaltego.Website

[On-Premise] To Identifier [BuiltWith]


This Transform extracts the evidence from the input Relationship Entity.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Identifier [BuiltWith]
Data SourceBuiltWith
Transform Nameonprem.builtwith.builtWithRelationshipToIdentifier
Short DescriptionThis Transform extracts the evidence from the input Relationship Entity
Input Entitiesmaltego.builtwith.Relationship
Output Entitiesmaltego.UniqueIdentifier, maltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address


Get all the links on the given URL.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Links [Found on web page]
Data SourceFound on web page
Transform Nameonprem.mst.http.toLinksFromURL
Short DescriptionGet all the links on the given URL.
Input Entitiesmaltego.URL
Output Entitiesmaltego.URL

[On-Premise] To Regex Matches [Found on web page]


Get Regex Matches on Page.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
matchRegexRegex To Matchstring([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Regex Matches [Found on web page]
Data SourceFound on web page
Transform Nameonprem.mst.http.toMatchesFoundOnPage
Short DescriptionGet Regex Matches on Page
Input Entitiesmaltego.URL
Output Entitiesmaltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] To Images [Found on web page]


Get all images on the given URL.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Images [Found on web page]
Data SourceFound on web page
Transform Nameonprem.toImagesFromURL
Short DescriptionGet all images on the given URL.
Input Entitiesmaltego.URL
Output Entitiesmaltego.Image

[On-Premise] To Tracking Codes

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Tracking Codes
Data SourceOn-Premise
Output Entitiesmaltego.UniqueIdentifier


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.urlToUniqueIDThis transform will look at URL for Google Analytic ID and AdSense ID.maltego.URL
onprem.uniqueIDThis transform will look at a website’s source for Google Analytic IDs and AdSense IDs.maltego.Website

[On-Premise] To EXIF Info


Attempts to identify EXIF information in images.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To EXIF Info
Data SourceOn-Premise
Transform Nameonprem.toExifInfo
Short DescriptionTries to identify EXIF information in images.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Image
Output Entitiesmaltego.Phrase

[On-Premise] To Datetime [within Properties]


This Transform looks for date matches in an entity’s properties.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
matchSubstringsmatchSubstringsboolean TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Datetime [within Properties]
Data Sourcewithin Properties
Transform Nameonprem.props.entityToDateTime
Short DescriptionThis Transform looks for date matches in an entity’s properties.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Unknown
Output Entitiesmaltego.DateTime

[On-Premise] To Domains [within Properties]


This Transform looks for possible Domains in an entity’s properties.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
matchSubdomainsReturn sub domainsboolean TrueTrueFalse
matchSubstringsMatch sub strings in property valuesboolean TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Domains [within Properties]
Data Sourcewithin Properties
Transform Nameonprem.props.entityToDomain
Short DescriptionThis Transform looks for possible Domains in an entity’s properties.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Unknown
Output Entitiesmaltego.Domain

[On-Premise] To IP Addresses [within Properties]


This Transform looks for ip address and netblock matches in an entity’s properties.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
matchSubstringsmatchSubstringsboolean TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To IP Addresses [within Properties]
Data Sourcewithin Properties
Transform Nameonprem.props.entityToIpAddress
Short DescriptionThis Transform looks for ip address and netblock matches in an entity’s properties.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Unknown
Output EntitiesIPv4Address

[On-Premise] To E-Mail Addresses [within Properties]


This Transform looks for email address matches in an entity’s properties.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
matchSubstringsmatchSubstringsboolean TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To E-Mail Addresses [within Properties]
Data Sourcewithin Properties
Transform Nameonprem.props.entityToEmail
Short DescriptionThis Transform looks for email address matches in an entity’s properties.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Unknown
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress

[On-Premise] To Phone Numbers [within Properties]


This Transform looks for phone number matches in an entity’s properties.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
matchSubstringsmatchSubstringsboolean TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Phone Numbers [within Properties]
Data Sourcewithin Properties
Transform Nameonprem.props.entityToPhoneNumber
Short DescriptionThis Transform looks for phone number matches in an entity’s properties.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Unknown
Output Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber

[On-Premise] To DNSNames [within Properties]


This Transform looks for possible DNSNames in an entity’s properties.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
matchSubstringsMatch substrings in property valuesboolean TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNSNames [within Properties]
Data Sourcewithin Properties
Transform Nameonprem.props.entityToDNSName
Short DescriptionThis Transform looks for possible DNSNames in an entity’s properties.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Unknown
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName

[On-Premise] To URLs [within Properties]


This Transform looks for URL matches in an entity’s properties.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
matchSubstringsmatchSubstringsboolean TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To URLs [within Properties]
Data Sourcewithin Properties
Transform Nameonprem.props.entityToURL
Short DescriptionThis Transform looks for URL matches in an entity’s properties.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Unknown
Output Entitiesmaltego.URL

[On-Premise] To GPS [within Properties]


This Transform looks for GPS matches in an entity’s properties.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
matchSubstringsmatchSubstringsboolean TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To GPS [within Properties]
Data Sourcewithin Properties
Transform Nameonprem.props.entityToGPS
Short DescriptionThis Transform looks for GPS matches in an entity’s properties.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Unknown
Output Entitiesmaltego.GPS

[On-Premise] To Email Addresses [PGP]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
PGP_HTTP_TimeoutPGP Server HTTP timeout(ms)int10000TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Email Addresses [PGP]
Data SourcePGP
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.DomainToEmailAddress_PGPThis Transform contacts Ubuntu public PGP keyserver and retrieves email addresses containing the given domainmaltego.Domain
onprem.PersonToEmailAddress_SamePGPThis Transform contacts Ubuntu public PGP keyserver and retrieves the person’s email address - if it existsmaltego.Person
onprem.EmailAddressToEmailAddress_SamePGPThis Transform contacts Ubuntu public PGP keyserver and retrieves alternative email addresses for the given email addressmaltego.EmailAddress

[On-Premise] To Person [PGP]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
PGP_HTTP_TimeoutPGP Server HTTP timeout(ms)int10000TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Person [PGP]
Data SourcePGP
Output Entitiesmaltego.Person


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.DomainToPerson_PGPThis Transform contacts Ubuntu public PGP keyserver and return the names containing the given domainmaltego.Domain
onprem.EmailAddressToPerson_SamePGPThis Transform contacts Ubuntu public PGP keyserver and retrieves the person’s name for the given email addressmaltego.EmailAddress

[On-Premise] To Original URL [Wayback Machine]


Returns the original URL of the snapshot.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Original URL [Wayback Machine]
Data SourceWayback Machine
Transform Nameonprem.wayback.WaybackSnapshotToOriginalUrl
Short DescriptionReturns the original URL of the snapshot
Input Entitiesmaltego.wayback.Snapshot
Output Entitiesmaltego.URL

[On-Premise] To Snapshots between Dates [Wayback Machine]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
beginDateBegin Date - YYYYMMDDstring20100101TrueTrueFalse
endDateEnd Date- YYYYMMDDstring20201231TrueTrueFalse
httpTimeoutHTTP timeout(ms)string90000TrueTrueFalse
statusCodeHTTP status code when the snapshot was taken (set 0 for any status code)string20.*TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Snapshots between Dates [Wayback Machine]
Data SourceWayback Machine


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput EntitiesOutput Entities
onprem.wayback.FileToSnapshotsInTimeframeReturns the file’s snapshotsmaltego.Filemaltego.wayback.FileSnapshot
onprem.wayback.DomainToSnapshotsInTimeframeReturns snapshots of resources from the given domain archived within the specified time frame.maltego.Domainmaltego.wayback.Snapshot
onprem.wayback.URLToSnapshotsInTimeframeReturns the URL’s snapshots archived within the specified time frame.maltego.URLmaltego.wayback.Snapshot
onprem.wayback.ImageToSnapshotsInTimeframeReturns the image’s snapshotsmaltego.Imagemaltego.wayback.ImageSnapshot
onprem.wayback.DocumentToSnapshotsInTimeframeReturns the file’s snapshotsmaltego.Documentmaltego.wayback.DocumentSnapshot
onprem.wayback.WebsiteToSnapshotsInTimeframeThis transform returns the snapshots of resources from the website archived within the specified time frame.maltego.Websitemaltego.wayback.Snapshot

[On-Premise] To Original Image [Wayback Machine]


Returns the original web image of the image snapshot.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Original Image [Wayback Machine]
Data SourceWayback Machine
Transform Nameonprem.wayback.ImageSnapshotToOriginalImage
Short DescriptionReturns the original web image of the image snapshot
Input Entitiesmaltego.wayback.ImageSnapshot
Output Entitiesmaltego.Image

[On-Premise] To Snapshots (Exact) [Wayback Machine]


This Transform returns the snapshots of given URL.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
httpTimeoutHTTP timeout(ms)string90000TrueTrueFalse
statusCodeHTTP status code when the snapshot was taken (set 0 for any status code)string20.*TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Snapshots (Exact) [Wayback Machine]
Data SourceWayback Machine
Transform Nameonprem.wayback.URLToSnapshotsExact
Short DescriptionThis transform returns the snapshots of given URL.
Input Entitiesmaltego.URL
Output Entitiesmaltego.WaybackSnapshot

[On-Premise] To Original Document [Wayback Machine]


Returns the original web document of the document snapshot.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Original Document [Wayback Machine]
Data SourceWayback Machine
Transform Nameonprem.wayback.DocumentSnapshotToOriginalDocument
Short DescriptionReturns the original web document of the document snapshot
Input Entitiesmaltego.wayback.DocumentSnapshot
Output Entitiesmaltego.Document

[On-Premise] To Snapshots [Wayback Machine]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
httpTimeoutHTTP timeout(ms)string90000TrueTrueFalse
statusCodeHTTP status code when the snapshot was taken (set 0 for any status code)string20.*TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Snapshots [Wayback Machine]
Data SourceWayback Machine


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput EntitiesOutput Entities
onprem.wayback.DomainToSnapshotsReturns snapshots of resources from the given domain.maltego.Domainmaltego.wayback.Snapshot
onprem.wayback.DocumentToSnapshotsReturns the document’s snapshotsmaltego.Documentmaltego.wayback.DocumentSnapshot
onprem.wayback.WebsiteToSnapshotsThis transform returns the snapshots of resources from the given website.maltego.Websitemaltego.wayback.Snapshot
onprem.wayback.URLToSnapshotsReturns the URL’s snapshots from the given URL.maltego.URLmaltego.wayback.Snapshot
onprem.wayback.FileToSnapshotsReturns the file’s snapshotsmaltego.Filemaltego.wayback.FileSnapshot
onprem.wayback.ImageToSnapshotsReturns the image’s snapshotsmaltego.Imagemaltego.wayback.ImageSnapshot

[On-Premise] To Snapshots between Dates (Exact) [Wayback Machine]


Returns the URL’s exact snapshots archived within the specified time frame.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
beginDateBegin Date - YYYYMMDDstring20100101TrueTrueFalse
endDateEnd Date- YYYYMMDDstring20201231TrueTrueFalse
httpTimeoutHTTP timeout(ms)string90000TrueTrueFalse
statusCodeHTTP status code when the snapshot was taken (set 0 for any status code)string20.*TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Snapshots between Dates (Exact) [Wayback Machine]
Data SourceWayback Machine
Transform Nameonprem.wayback.URLToSnapshotsInTimeframeExact
Short DescriptionReturns the URL’s exact snapshots archived within the specified time frame.
Input Entitiesmaltego.URL
Output Entitiesmaltego.wayback.Snapshot

[On-Premise] To Original File [Wayback Machine]


Returns the original web file of the file snapshot.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Original File [Wayback Machine]
Data SourceWayback Machine
Transform Nameonprem.wayback.FileSnapshotToOriginalFile
Short DescriptionReturns the original web file of the file snapshot
Input Entitiesmaltego.wayback.FileSnapshot
Output Entitiesmaltego.File

[On-Premise] To Netblock (Using routing info) [WhoisXML]


This Transform returns the netblocks available for the input IPv4 address.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
whoisxml_api_keyWhoisXML API Keystring TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Netblock (Using routing info) [WhoisXML]
Data SourceWhoisXML
Transform Nameonprem.IPAddressToNetblock_SS
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the netblocks available for the input IPv4 address.
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To AS Number [WhoisXML]


This Transform returns the AS (Autonomous System) number for the given netblock. If the netblock contains smaller subnets, the AS for the largest subnet is returned.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
whoisxml_api_keyWhoisXML API Keystring TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To AS Number [WhoisXML]
Data SourceWhoisXML
Transform Nameonprem.NetblockToAS_SS
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the AS (Autonomous System) number for the given netblock. If the netblock contains smaller subnets, the AS for the largest subnet is returned.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Netblock
Output Entitiesmaltego.AS

[On-Premise] To IPv6 Netblocks (Blocks delegated to this NS) [WhoisXML]


This Transform will resolve the IPv6 address for the NS record and return netblocks delegated to the resolved IPv6 address.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
whoisxml_api_keyWhoisXML API Keystring TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To IPv6 Netblocks (Blocks delegated to this NS) [WhoisXML]
Data SourceWhoisXML
Transform Nameonprem.whoisxml.ipnetblocks.nsRecordToDelegatedIpv6Netblocks
Short DescriptionThis Transform will resolve the IPv6 address for the NS record and return netblocks delegated to the resolved IPv6 address.
Input Entitiesmaltego.NSRecord
Output Entitiesmaltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To Netblocks [WhoisXML]


This Transform returns the netblocks available for the input IPv6 address.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
whoisxml_api_keyWhoisXML API Keystring TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Netblocks [WhoisXML]
Data SourceWhoisXML
Transform Nameonprem.whoisxml.ipnetblocks.ipv6AddressToNetblocks
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the netblocks available for the input IPv6 address.
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv6Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To AS [WhoisXML]


This Transform returns the AS (Autonomous System) number for the given netblock.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
whoisxml_api_keyWhoisXML API Keystring TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To AS [WhoisXML]
Data SourceWhoisXML
Transform Nameonprem.whoisxml.ipnetblocks.cidrToAsNumber
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the AS (Autonomous System) number for the given netblock.
Input Entitiesmaltego.CIDR
Output Entitiesmaltego.AS

[On-Premise] To Domain (Find other TLDs) [WhoisXML]


This Transform returns the domains with different TLDs but same domain name to the input domain entity.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
whoisxml_api_keyWhoisXML API Keystring TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Domain (Find other TLDs) [WhoisXML]
Data SourceWhoisXML
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToDomain_TLD
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the domains with different TLDs but same domain name to the input domain entity.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.Domain

[On-Premise] To IPv4 Netblocks (Blocks delegated to this NS) [WhoisXML]


This Transform will resolve the IPv4 address for the NS record and returns netblocks delegated to the resolved IPv4 address.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
whoisxml_api_keyWhoisXML API Keystring TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To IPv4 Netblocks (Blocks delegated to this NS) [WhoisXML]
Data SourceWhoisXML
Transform Nameonprem.NSrecordToNetblock_NS4block
Short DescriptionThis Transform will resolve the IPv4 address for the NS record and returns netblocks delegated to the resolved IPv4 address.
Input Entitiesmaltego.NSRecord
Output Entitiesmaltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To Company (Owner) [WhoisXML]


This Transform returns the company owner of the given AS (Autonomous System).

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
whoisxml_api_keyWhoisXML API Keystring TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Company (Owner) [WhoisXML]
Data SourceWhoisXML
Transform Nameonprem.ASNumberToCompany
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the company owner of the given AS (Autonomous System).
Input Entitiesmaltego.AS
Output Entitiesmaltego.Company

[On-Premise] To Netblocks in this AS [WhoisXML]


This Transform returns the routes located within the input AS (Autonomous System) number by looking it up in WhoisXML.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
whoisxml_api_keyWhoisXML API Keystring TrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Netblocks in this AS [WhoisXML]
Data SourceWhoisXML
Transform Nameonprem.ASNumberToNetblocks_Robtex
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the routes located within the input AS (Autonomous System) number by looking it up in WhoisXML.
Input Entitiesmaltego.AS
Output Entitiesmaltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] To Pages Edited [Wikipedia EN]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
dateRangeSearch Date Rangedaterange TrueTrueFalse
httpTimeoutHTTP timeout(ms) - When elapsed, pagination stops and returns available resultsstring90000TrueTrueFalse
ucshowFilter Edits - Enter one of: minor,new,top,allstringallTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Pages Edited [Wikipedia EN]
Data SourceWikipedia EN
Output Entitiesmaltego.wikimedia.Page


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.wikipedia-en.aliasToPagesEditedThis Transform returns the unique wiki Pages edited by the given alias.maltego.Alias
onprem.wikipedia-en.ipv6AddressToPagesEditedThis Transform returns the unique wiki Pages edited by the given IPv6 address.maltego.IPv6Address
onprem.wikipedia-en.cidrToPagesEditedThis Transform returns the pages edited by the given IPv4 CIDR.maltego.CIDR
onprem.wikipedia-en.ipv4AddressToPagesEditedThis Transform returns the unique Wikimedia pages edited by the given IPv4 address.maltego.IPv4Address
onprem.wikipedia-en.netblockToPagesEditedThis Transform returns the Wikimedia pages edited by the given IPv4 range.maltego.Netblock

[On-Premise] Search Text In Pages [Wikipedia EN]


This Transform returns a list of Wikimedia pages containing the search term.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
httpTimeoutHTTP timeout(ms) - When elapsed, pagination stops and returns available resultsstring90000TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Search Text In Pages [Wikipedia EN]
Data SourceWikipedia EN
Transform Nameonprem.wikipedia-en.searchTextInPage
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns a list of Wikimedia pages containing the search term.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Phrase
Output Entitiesmaltego.wikimedia.Page

[On-Premise] Search Page Titles [Wikipedia EN]


This Transform returns a list of Wikimedia pages starting with the search term.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
httpTimeoutHTTP timeout(ms) - When elapsed, pagination stops and returns available resultsstring90000TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Search Page Titles [Wikipedia EN]
Data SourceWikipedia EN
Transform Nameonprem.wikipedia-en.searchPageTitlePrefix
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns a list of Wikimedia pages starting with the search term.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Phrase
Output Entitiesmaltego.wikimedia.Page

[On-Premise] To Page Edits [Wikipedia EN]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
dateRangeSearch Date Rangedaterange TrueTrueFalse
httpTimeoutHTTP timeout(ms) - When elapsed, pagination stops and returns available resultsstring90000TrueTrueFalse
ucshowFilter Edits - Enter one of: minor,new,top,allstringallTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Page Edits [Wikipedia EN]
Data SourceWikipedia EN
Output Entitiesmaltego.wikimedia.PageEdit


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.wikipedia-en.aliasToPageEditsThis Transform returns the Wikimedia edits by the given alias.maltego.Alias
onprem.wikipedia-en.ipv6AddressToPageEditsThis Transform returns the edits by the given IPv6 address.maltego.IPv6Address
onprem.wikipedia-en.netblockToPageEditsThis Transform returns the Wikimedia edits by the given IPv4 range.maltego.Netblock
onprem.wikipedia-en.pageToPageEditsThis Transform retrieves the page edits that were made on a Wikimedia page.maltego.wikimedia.Page
onprem.toWikiEditsThis Transform returns the Wikimedia edits by the given IPv4 address.maltego.IPv4Address
onprem.wikipedia-en.cidrToPageEditsThis Transform returns the edits by the given IPv4 CIDR.maltego.CIDR

[On-Premise] To Page Editors [Wikipedia EN]


This Transform retrieves a list of IP addresses and aliases that edited a Wikimedia page.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
dateRangeSearch Date Rangedaterange TrueTrueFalse
httpTimeoutHTTP timeout(ms) - When elapsed, pagination stops and returns available resultsstring90000TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Page Editors [Wikipedia EN]
Data SourceWikipedia EN
Transform Nameonprem.wikipedia-en.pageToEditors
Short DescriptionThis Transform retrieves a list of IP addresses and aliases that edited a Wikimedia page.
Input Entitiesmaltego.wikimedia.Page
Output Entitiesmaltego.Alias

[On-Premise] To Pages Nearby [Wikipedia EN]


This Transform returns the places with Wikipedia pages within the radius of the given Location Entity.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
radiusRadius(metres) - Default 100metresstring100TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Pages Nearby [Wikipedia EN]
Data SourceWikipedia EN
Transform Nameonprem.wikipedia-en.gpsToPlacesNearby
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the places with Wikipedia pages within the radius of the given Location Entity.
Input Entitiesmaltego.GPS
Output Entitiesmaltego.wikimedia.Page

[On-Premise] To Editors [Wikipedia EN]


This Transform returns the editors for a particular WikiEdit

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Editors [Wikipedia EN]
Data SourceWikipedia EN
Transform Nameonprem.wikipedia-en.pageEditToEditors
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the editors for a particular WikiEdit
Input Entitiesmaltego.wikimedia.PageEdit
Output Entitiesmaltego.Alias, maltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address

[On-Premise] To GPS from Page [Wikipedia EN]


This Transform returns the GPS for a given page, if the page lists coordinates.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To GPS from Page [Wikipedia EN]
Data SourceWikipedia EN
Transform Nameonprem.wikipedia-en.wikimediaPageToGpsOnPage
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the GPS for a given page, if the page lists coordinates.
Input Entitiesmaltego.wikimedia.Page
Output Entitiesmaltego.GPS

[On-Premise] To Page [Wikipedia EN]


This Transform returns the unique Wikimedia page URL.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Page [Wikipedia EN]
Data SourceWikipedia EN
Transform Nameonprem.wikipedia-en.pageEditToPage
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the unique Wikimedia page URL.
Input Entitiesmaltego.wikimedia.PageEdit
Output Entitiesmaltego.wikimedia.Page

[On-Premise] Verify and fraud-check email address [IPQS]


Query IPQualityScore to verify an email address.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication API KeystringNoneTrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Verify and fraud-check email address [IPQS]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceIPQS
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.email_verify
Short DescriptionQuery IPQualityScore to verify an email address.
Input Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress, maltego.ipqs.Tag

[On-Premise] Get tags and indicators for email address [IPQS]


Query IPQualityScore to get tags for an email address.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication API KeystringNoneTrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Get tags and indicators for email address [IPQS]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceIPQS
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.email_tags
Short DescriptionQuery IPQualityScore to get tags for an email address.
Input Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress
Output Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress, maltego.ipqs.Tag

[On-Premise] To Details (Location, DNS, ASN, Company) [IPQS]


Query IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve location, ownership, ASN and other details.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication API KeystringNoneTrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Details (Location, DNS, ASN, Company) [IPQS]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceIPQS
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.ip_ownership_and_location
Short DescriptionQuery IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve location, ownership, ASN and other details.
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName, maltego.IPv4Address, maltego.Location, maltego.Organization, maltego.AS

[On-Premise] Get tags and indicators (VPN, Tor, Proxy, etc.) [IPQS]


Query IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve tags.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication API KeystringNoneTrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Get tags and indicators (VPN, Tor, Proxy, etc.) [IPQS]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceIPQS
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.ip_tags
Short DescriptionQuery IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve tags.
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address, maltego.ipqs.Tag

[On-Premise] Fraud-check IP address [IPQS]


Query IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve fraud score.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication API KeystringNoneTrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Fraud-check IP address [IPQS]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceIPQS
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.ip_fraud
Short DescriptionQuery IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve fraud score.
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address

[On-Premise] Verify and fraud-check phone number [IPQS]


Query IPQualityScore to verify a phone number.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication API KeystringNoneTrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Verify and fraud-check phone number [IPQS]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceIPQS
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.phone_verify
Short DescriptionQuery IPQualityScore to verify a phone number.
Input Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber
Output Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber, maltego.ipqs.Tag

[On-Premise] Get tags and indicators for phone number [IPQS]


Query IPQualityScore to get tags for an phone number.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication API KeystringNoneTrueTrueTrue

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] Get tags and indicators for phone number [IPQS]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceIPQS
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.phone_tags
Short DescriptionQuery IPQualityScore to get tags for an phone number.
Input Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber
Output Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber, maltego.ipqs.Tag, maltego.Company, maltego.Location

[On-Premise] To DNS Name (interesting) [SecurityTrails]


This Transform will search for a set of interesting DNS names in the DNS zone using SecurityTrails.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
onprem.DomainToDNSName_DB_interest.interesting_subdomainsInteresting Sub Domainsstringvpn,webmail,mail,firewall,test,scada,intranet,secure,ssh,databaseTrueTrueFalse KeystringNoneTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name (interesting) [SecurityTrails]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceSecurityTrails
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToDNSName_DB_interest
Short DescriptionThis Transform will search for a set of interesting DNS names in the DNS zone using SecurityTrails.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName

[On-Premise] To DNS Name [SecurityTrails]


This Transform will search for a given DNS name in the passive DNS database of SecurityTrails.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication KeystringNoneTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name [SecurityTrails]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceSecurityTrails
Transform Nameonprem.DomainToDNSName_DB
Short DescriptionThis Transform will search for a given DNS name in the passive DNS database of SecurityTrails.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName

[On-Premise] To DNS Name from passive DNS [SecurityTrails]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication KeystringNoneTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Name from passive DNS [SecurityTrails]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceSecurityTrails
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.IPAddressToDNSName_SharedIPThis Transform will search for DNS names for a given IPv4 address in the passive DNS database of SecurityTrails.maltego.IPv4Address
onprem.IP6AddressToDNSName_SharedIPThis Transform will search for DNS names for a given IPv6 address in the passive DNS database of SecurityTrails.maltego.IPv6Address

[On-Premise] To DNS Names in Netblock [SecurityTrails]

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication KeystringNoneTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To DNS Names in Netblock [SecurityTrails]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceSecurityTrails
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName


Transform NameShort DescriptionInput Entities
onprem.NetblockToDNSName_SSThis Transform will search for DNS names in a given IP address range using SecurityTrails passive DNS.maltego.Netblock
onprem.CIDRToDNSName_SSThis Transform will search for DNS names in a given IP subnet using SecurityTrails passive DNS.maltego.CIDR

[On-Premise] To Domains [Sharing this MX]


This Transform determines which other domains share this MX record by looking at historical/passive DNS.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication KeystringNoneTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Domains [Sharing this MX]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceSharing this MX
Transform Nameonprem.MXrecordToDomain_SharedMX
Short DescriptionThis transform determines which other domains share this MX record by looking at historical/passive DNS
Input Entitiesmaltego.MXRecord
Output Entitiesmaltego.Domain

[On-Premise] To Domains [Sharing this NS]


This Transform determines which other domains share this NS record by looking at historical/passive DNS.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication KeystringNoneTrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Domains [Sharing this NS]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceSharing this NS
Transform Nameonprem.NSrecordToDomain_SharedNS
Short DescriptionThis transform determines which other domains share this NS record by looking at historical/passive DNS.
Input Entitiesmaltego.NSRecord
Output Entitiesmaltego.Domain

[On-Premise] To CVE [Shodan Internet DB]


Get CVEs found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To CVE [Shodan Internet DB]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceShodan Internet DB
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.jinxpy_shodan.ip_address_to_cve
Short DescriptionGet CVEs found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.CVE

[On-Premise] To Ports [Shodan Internet DB]


Get Ports found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB.

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Ports [Shodan Internet DB]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceShodan Internet DB
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.jinxpy_shodan.ip_address_to_ports
Short DescriptionGet Ports found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Port

[On-Premise] To Tags [Shodan Internet DB]


Get Tags found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Tags [Shodan Internet DB]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceShodan Internet DB
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.jinxpy_shodan.ip_address_to_tags
Short DescriptionGet Tags found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.shodan.Tag

[On-Premise] To Hostnames [Shodan Internet DB]


Get Hostnames found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To Hostnames [Shodan Internet DB]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceShodan Internet DB
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.jinxpy_shodan.ip_address_to_hostnames
Short DescriptionGet Hostnames found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName

[On-Premise] To CPEs [Shodan Internet DB]


Get CPEs found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB

Transform Meta Info

Display Name[On-Premise] To CPEs [Shodan Internet DB]
AuthorMaltego Technologies
Data SourceShodan Internet DB
Transform Nameonprem.maltego.jinxpy_shodan.ip_address_to_cpes
Short DescriptionGet CPEs found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Phrase

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