Standard Transform Add-on (CTAS) Server Transforms query the following data sources:
- DNS Servers,
- Search Engines,
- Online Databases,
- Social Networks (Flickr, Myspace),
- Online APIs,
- Other Public Sources.
Note: This Transform Set is only available to Maltego Standard Transforms Add-on (CTAS) Server users.
[On-Premise] To DNS Name [From DynDNS username]
Looks up an alias against a list of dyndns domains.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name [From DynDNS username] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | From DynDNS username |
Transform Name | onprem.toDynDNSNames |
Short Description | Looks up an alias against a list of dyndns domains. |
Input Entities | maltego.Alias |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
[On-Premise] To Phrase [Change Entity Type]
Converts an Alias to a phrase Entity.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Phrase [Change Entity Type] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Change Entity Type |
Transform Name | onprem.convertToPhrase |
Short Description | Converts an Alias to a phrase entity. |
Input Entities | maltego.Alias |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Enumerate hostname numerically]
Enumerates hostnames numerically. E.g. mail1.maltego.com would try mail2., mail3.
autoPadding | Auto Padding | boolean | True | True | True | False |
padding | Padding | int | 0 | True | True | False |
rangeEnd | Range End | int | 9 | True | True | False |
rangeStart | Range Start | int | 1 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name [Enumerate hostname numerically] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Enumerate hostname numerically |
Transform Name | onprem.enumerateHostNamesNumerically |
Short Description | Enumerates hostnames numerically. E.g. mail1.maltego.com would try mail2., mail3. |
Input Entities | maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
[On-Premise] To Domains [DNS]
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Domains [DNS] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | DNS |
Output Entities | maltego.Domain |
onprem.DNSNameToDomain_DNS | This transform extracts all the domains from a DNS Name - it excludes TLDs and SLD. | maltego.DNSName |
onprem.DomainToDomain_Sub | This transform extracts all the domains from a domain name - it excludes TLDs and SLD. | maltego.Domain |
[On-Premise] To IP Address [DNS]
This Transform resolves a DNS name to an IP address using plain old DNS
Display Name | [On-Premise] To IP Address [DNS] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | DNS |
Transform Name | onprem.DNSNameToIPAddress_DNS |
Short Description | This transform resolves a DNS name to an IP address using plain old DNS |
Input Entities | maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities | maltego.IPv4Address,maltego.IPv6Address |
[On-Premise] To Website [Query ports]
This Transform detemines if a DNS Name is a Web Site by checking for responsive HTTP(s) ports.
http_ports | HTTP Query Ports | string | [‘80’] | True | True | False |
https_ports | HTTPS Query Ports | string | [‘443’] | True | True | False |
timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Web site [Query ports] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Query ports |
Transform Name | onprem.DNSNameToWebsite_QueryPorts |
Short Description | This transform detemines if a DNS Name is a Web Site by checking for responsive HTTP(s) ports. |
Input Entities | maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To Entities [IBM Watson]
companies_to_ignore | Companies To Ignore | string | [‘icann’, ‘google’, ‘microsoft’, ‘ibm’, ‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘adobe’, ‘creative commons’, ‘hp’, ‘yahoo’, ‘amazon’, ‘youtube’, ‘apple’, ‘ebay’, ‘paypal’] | True | True | False |
ibm_watson_api_key | IBM Watson Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
ibm_watson_api_url | IBM Watson Api URL | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Entities [IBM Watson] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | IBM Watson |
onprem.DocumentToEntities | This transform extracts named entities (person, company etc) from the document. | maltego.Document | maltego.Person,maltego.EmailAddress,maltego.Phrase,maltego.Document |
onprem.toEntitiesNERTwitter | Extracts named entities using IBM Watson. | maltego.Twit | maltego.Phrase |
onprem.URLToPerson_NLP | This transform uses Natural Language Processing (NLP/NER) to extract entities | maltego.URL | maltego.Phrase |
This Transform extracts the meta information from the document and then parses it for username (persons) and/or email addresses.
Display Name | [On-Premise] Parse meta information |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.DocumentToPersonEmail_Meta |
Short Description | This transform extracts the meta information from the document and then parses it for username (persons) and/or email addresses. |
Input Entities | maltego.Document |
Output Entities | maltego.Person,maltego.EmailAddress,maltego.Phrase,maltego.Document |
[On-Premise] To URL [Show SE results]
This Transform dumps the URL of the Document for further use.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To URL [Show SE results] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Show SE results |
Transform Name | onprem.DocumentToURL_Dump |
Short Description | This Transform dumps the URL of the Document for further use. |
Input Entities | maltego.Document |
Output Entities | maltego.URL |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Using Name Schema dictionary]
This Transform will try test various name schema’s against a domain.
testDepth | Test depth for Name Schema Files | int | 4 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name [Using Name Schema dictionary] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Using Name Schema dictionary |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToDNSNameSchema |
Short Description | This transform will try test various name schema’s against a domain. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Find common DNS names]
This transform will attempt to discover various common DNS Names in a domain.
brutelist | DNS Names to test | string | mail,mx,ns,ftp,webmail,web,gateway,secure,intranet,extranet,smtp,pop,ns1,mx1,email,admin,dmz,blog,dns,forum,ntp,pub,route,sql,ssh,webaccess,xml,imap, | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name [Find common DNS names] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Find common DNS names |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToDNSName_DNSBrute |
Short Description | This transform will try to discover various common DNS Names in a domain. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Attempt zone transfer]
This Transform will attempt to perform a zone transfer a returns A and Cname records.
ss_to | Timeout (seconds) | int | 8 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name [Attempt zone transfer] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Attempt zone transfer |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToDNSName_ZT |
Short Description | This transform will attempt to perform a zone transfer a returns A and Cname records |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
[On-Premise] To Files (Interesting) [using Search Engine]
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | 'https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search' | True | True | False |
extensions | Search Extension [extension:priority] | string | [‘sql:100’, ‘zip:90’, ‘csv:90’, ‘tgz:90’, ‘bak:90’, ‘old:90’, ‘wav:20’, ‘mp3:20’, ‘exe:20’, ‘txt:20’] | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Files (Interesting) [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Output Entities | maltego.Document |
onprem.DomainToDocumentOther_SE | Search for interesting files hosted on this domain. | maltego.Domain |
onprem.PhraseToDocumentOthers_SE | This transform will search for the given phrase and show interesting files contaning the term. | maltego.Phrase |
[On-Premise] To Files (Office) [using Search Engine]
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
extensions | Search Extension [extension:priority] | string | [‘xls:100’, ‘xlsx:100’, ‘csv:100’, ‘doc:70’, ‘docx:70’, ‘ppt:40’, ‘pptx:40’, ‘mdb:40’, ‘pdf:40’] | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Files (Office) [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Output Entities | maltego.Document |
onprem.DomainToDocument_SE | Search for office documents hosted on this domain. | maltego.Domain |
onprem.PhraseToDocument_SE | This transform will search for the given phrase and show documents (Office[tm]) containing the term. | maltego.Phrase |
[On-Premise] To Emails @domain [using Search Engine]
Search for emails containing the domain.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Emails @domain [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToEmailAddress_AtDomain_SE |
Short Description | Search for emails containing the domain. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
[On-Premise] To Email addresses [using Search Engine]
Search for related emails.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Email addresses [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToEmailAddress_SE |
Short Description | Search for related emails. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
[On-Premise] To Email address [From whois info]
This Transform obtains whois information of the IP number, then parses it for email addresses.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Email address [From whois info] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | From whois info |
Short Description | This transform obtains whois information of the IP number, then parses it for email addresses. |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
onprem.DomainToEmailAddress_Whois | maltego.Domain |
onprem.IPAddressToEmailAddress_Whois | maltego.IPv4Address |
[On-Premise] To Entities from WHOIS [IBM Watson]
This Transform obtains whois information of the domain then parses it for entities using NER.
companies_to_ignore | Companies To Ignore | string | [‘icann’, ‘google’, ‘microsoft’, ‘ibm’, ‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘adobe’, ‘creative commons’, ‘hp’, ‘yahoo’, ‘amazon’, ‘youtube’, ‘apple’, ‘ebay’, ‘paypal’] | True | True | False |
ibm_watson_api_key | IBM Watson Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
ibm_watson_api_url | IBM Watson Api URL | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Entities from WHOIS [IBM Watson] |
Owner | John Doe |
Author | John Doe |
Data Source | IBM Watson |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToEntities_Whois_NER |
Short Description | This transform obtains whois information of the domain then parses it for entities using NER |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name - MX (mail server)
This Transform will find the MX records (mail servers) of a domain.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name - MX (mail server) |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToMXrecord_DNS |
Short Description | This transform will find the MX records (mail servers) of a domain. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.MXRecord |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name - NS (name server)
This Transform will find the NS records (name servers) of a domain.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name - NS (name server) |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToNSrecord_DNS |
Short Description | This transform will find the NS records (name servers) of a domain. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.NSRecord |
[On-Premise] To Phone Numbers [using Search Engine]
Search for related phone numbers.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Phone Numbers [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToPhoneNumber_SE |
Short Description | Search for related phone numbers. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
[On-Premise] To Phone numbers [From whois info]
This Transforms obtains whois information of the given domain, then parses it for telephone numbers.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Phone numbers [From whois info] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | From whois info |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToPhone_Whois |
Short Description | This transforms obtains whois information of the given domain, then parses it for telephone numbers. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name - SOA (Start of Authority)
Extracts information for this domain from the SOA record.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name - SOA (Start of Authority) |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToSOAInformation |
Short Description | Extracts information for this domain from the SOA record. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.NSRecord, maltego.EmailAddress |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name - SPF (sender policy framework)
Extracts information for this domain from the SPF (txt) record.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name - SPF (sender policy framework) |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToSPFInformation |
Short Description | Extracts information for this domain from the SPF (txt) record. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.Netblock, maltego.IPv4Address, maltego.DNSName, maltego.MXRecord, maltego.DNSName, maltego.Domain |
[On-Premise] To Website using domain [Bing]
Search for websites that contain the domain.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Website using domain [Bing] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Bing |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToWebsiteDNS_SE |
Short Description | Search for websites that contain the domain. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To Website [Quick lookup]
This Transform will check to see if there is a www.DOMAIN entry. Useful when used in bulk.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Website [Quick lookup] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Quick lookup |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToWebsite_DNS |
Short Description | This transform will check to see if there is a www.DOMAIN entry. Useful when used in bulk. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To Website mentioning domain [Bing]
Search for websites mentioning the domain in their content.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Website mentioning domain [Bing] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Bing |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToWebsite_SE |
Short Description | Search for websites mentioning the domain in their content. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To Website [using Search Engine]
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Website [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
onprem.EmailAddressToDNSName_SE | Search for websites that mention the email. | maltego.EmailAddress |
onprem.PhoneNumberToWebsite_SE | This transform searches for the telephone number and returns related sites. | maltego.PhoneNumber |
onprem.PhraseToWebsite_SE | This transform will search for the given phrase and show the sites where the phrase occurs. | maltego.Phrase |
[On-Premise] To Domain [DNS]
This Transform will remove the part in front of the @ sign of the given address.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Domain [DNS] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | DNS |
Transform Name | onprem.EmailAddressToDomain_DNS |
Short Description | This transform will remove the part in front of the @ sign of the given address. |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | maltego.Domain |
[On-Premise] To Email Addresses [using Search Engine]
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Email Addresses [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
onprem.EmailAddressToEmailAddress_SE | This transform will search for the email address and show related email addresses. | maltego.EmailAddress |
onprem.PhraseToEmailAddress_SE | This transform will search for the phrase and show related email addresses. | maltego.Phrase |
[On-Premise] To Person [Parse separator]
This transform attempts to parse the email address to a person’s name using separators.
format | Format (FL-firstnamelastname,LF-lastnamefirstname) | string | FL | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Person [Parse separator] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Parse separator |
Transform Name | onprem.EmailAddressToPerson_Parse |
Short Description | This transform tries to figure out if it can parse the email address to a person’s name using separators |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | maltego.Person |
[On-Premise] To Phone number [using Search Engine]
This Transform will search for the given email address and show the related telephone numbers.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Phone number [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Transform Name | onprem.EmailAddressToPhoneNumber_SE |
Short Description | This transform will search for the given email address and show the related telephone numbers. |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
[On-Premise] To URLs [Show Search Engine results]
This Transform dumps the URLs collected from the search engine.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To URLs [Show Search Engine results] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Show Search Engine results |
Short Description | This transform just dumps the URLs collected from the search engine. |
Output Entities | maltego.URL |
onprem.EmailAddressToURL_Expand | maltego.EmailAddress |
onprem.PhoneNumberToURL_Expand | maltego.PhoneNumber |
[On-Premise] To Flickr Account
Looks up an email address on flickr and returns account details.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Flickr Account |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.emailToFlickrAccount |
Short Description | Looks up an email address on flickr and returns account details. |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | maltego.affiliation.Flickr |
[On-Premise] To Myspace Account
Looks up an email address on myspace and returns account details.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Myspace Account |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.emailToMyspaceAccount |
Short Description | Looks up an email address on myspace and returns account details. |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | maltego.affiliation.Myspace, maltego.Alias |
[On-Premise] To Circular Area
areaRoundValue | Radius of Area in m | int | 1000 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Circular Area |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.ToArea |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.GPS |
Output Entities | maltego.CircularArea |
[On-Premise] To Location [Using nominatim.openstreetmap.org]
Takes GPS Co-ordinates to an address via nominatim.openstreetmap.org.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Location [Using nominatim.openstreetmap.org] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Using nominatim.openstreetmap.org |
Transform Name | onprem.toLocationGeoCode |
Short Description | Takes GPS Co-ordinates to an address via nominatim.openstreetmap.org |
Input Entities | maltego.GPS |
Output Entities | maltego.Location |
[On-Premise] To Location (broad) [Using nominatim.openstreetmap.org]
Takes GPS Co-ordinates to an broader address via nominatim.openstreetmap.org.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Location (broad) [Using nominatim.openstreetmap.org] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Using nominatim.openstreetmap.org |
Transform Name | onprem.toLocationGeoCodeBroad |
Short Description | Takes GPS Co-ordinates to an broader address via nominatim.openstreetmap.org |
Input Entities | maltego.GPS |
Output Entities | maltego.Location |
[On-Premise] To Website using IP: [Bing]
Search for websites that have been hosted on this IP.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Website using IP: [Bing] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Bing |
Transform Name | onprem.IPAddressToDNSNameBing_SE |
Short Description | Search for websites that have been hosted on this IP. |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name [Reverse DNS]
This Transform reverse resolves an IP address to a DNS name using plain DNS.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name [Reverse DNS] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Reverse DNS |
Transform Name | onprem.IPAddressToDNSName_DNS |
Short Description | This transform reverse resolves an IP address to a DNS name using plain old DNS |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
[On-Premise] To Entities From WHOIS [IBM Watson]
companies_to_ignore | Companies To Ignore | string | [‘icann’, ‘google’, ‘microsoft’, ‘ibm’, ‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘adobe’, ‘creative commons’, ‘hp’, ‘yahoo’, ‘amazon’, ‘youtube’, ‘apple’, ‘ebay’, ‘paypal’] | True | True | False |
ibm_watson_api_key | IBM Watson Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
ibm_watson_api_url | IBM Watson Api URL | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Entities From WHOIS [IBM Watson] |
Owner | |
Author | |
Data Source | IBM Watson |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |
onprem.IPAddressToEntities_Whois_NER | This transform obtains whois information of IP number, then parses it for entities using NER | maltego.IPv4Address |
onprem.NetblockToEntities_NER_Whois | This transform obtains whois information of netblock (well the first IP in the block), then parses it for entities using NER | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To Netblock [Using natural boundaries]
This Transform will carve a netblock from an IP - counting a certain number of IPs up and down.
cutsize | Block Size | int | 256 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Netblock [Using natural boundaries] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Using natural boundaries |
Transform Name | onprem.IPAddressToNetblock_Cuts |
Short Description | This transform will carve a netblock from an IP - counting a certain number of IPs up and down. |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To Netblock [Using whois info]
This Transform will retrieve the netblock via the whois service (ARIN/APNIC/LACNIC/AFRINIC/RIPE).
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Netblock [Using whois info] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Using whois info |
Transform Name | onprem.IPAddressToNetblock_whois |
Short Description | This transform will get the netblock via the whois service (ARIN/APNIC/LACNIC/AFRINIC/RIPE) |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To Phone number [From whois info]
Transform obtains whois information of IP number, then parses it for telephone numbers.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Phone number [From whois info] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | From whois info |
Transform Name | onprem.IPAddressToPhone_Whois |
Short Description | Transforms obtains whois information of IP number, then parses it for telephone numbers |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
[On-Premise] To Website mentioning IP [Bing]
Find websites containing the IP.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Website mentioning IP [Bing] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Bing |
Transform Name | onprem.IPAddressToWebsite_SE |
Short Description | Find websites containing the IP. |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To Location [city, country]
language | Country Language | string | en | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Location [city, country] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | city, country |
Output Entities | maltego.Location |
onprem.toLocation | This transform takes an IP address to a location with the MaxMind free city database. | maltego.IPv4Address |
onprem.toLocationNetblock | This transform takes an netblock to a location with the MaxMind free city database. | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To Location [country]
language | Country Language | string | en | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Location [country] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | country |
Output Entities | maltego.Location |
onprem.toLocationCountry | This transform takes an IP address to a location with the MaxMind free city database. | maltego.IPv4Address |
onprem.toLocationCountryNetblock | This transform takes a Netblock to a location with the MaxMind free city database. | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To IP addresses [Found in Netblock]
Converts Netblock to IPs within that netblock.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To IP addresses [Found in Netblock] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Found in Netblock |
Transform Name | onprem.NetblockToIPs |
Short Description | Converts Netblock to IPs within that netblock. |
Input Entities | maltego.Netblock |
Output Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
[On-Premise] To Netblocks [Cuts Netblock into smaller ones]
Converts Netblock to smaller Netblocks.
netblockSize | Netblock size | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Netblocks [Cuts Netblock into smaller ones] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Cuts Netblock into smaller ones |
Transform Name | onprem.NetblockToNetblocks |
Short Description | Converts Netblock to smaller Netblocks. |
Input Entities | maltego.Netblock |
Output Entities | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To EmailAddress [Bing]
Search for possible email addresses.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
additional | Additional term (space=none) | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
site | Domain/TLD (space=none) | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To EmailAddress [Bing] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Bing |
Transform Name | onprem.PersonToEmailAddress_SE |
Short Description | Search for possible email addresses. |
Input Entities | maltego.Person |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
[On-Premise] To PhoneNumber [Bing]
Search for possible phone numbers.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
additional | Additional term (space=none) | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
site | Domain/TLD (space=none) | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To PhoneNumber [Bing] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Bing |
Transform Name | onprem.PersonToPhoneNumber_SE |
Short Description | Search for possible phone numbers. |
Input Entities | maltego.Person |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To Website [Bing]
This Transform shows sites where a permutation of the person’s name was found.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
additional | Additional term (space=none) | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
site | Domain/TLD (space=none) | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Website [Bing] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Bing |
Transform Name | onprem.PersonToWebsite_SE |
Short Description | This transform shows sites where a permutation of the person’s name was found. |
Input Entities | maltego.Person |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To Email Address [using Search Engine]
This Transform searches for the telephone number and returns related email addresses.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Email Address [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Transform Name | onprem.PhoneNumberToEmailAddress_SE |
Short Description | This transform searches for the telephone number and returns related email addresses. |
Input Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
[On-Premise] To Phone Number [using Search Engine]
This Transform searches for the telephone number and returns related telephone numbers.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Phone Number [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Transform Name | onprem.PhoneNumberToPhoneNumber_SE |
Short Description | This transform searches for the telephone number and returns related telephone numbers. |
Input Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Output Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
[On-Premise] To Telephone numbers [using Search Engine]
This Transform will search for the phrase and shows the related telephone numbers.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
exact_match | Exact Match | boolean | False | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Telephone numbers [using Search Engine] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using Search Engine |
Transform Name | onprem.PhraseToPhoneNumber_SE |
Short Description | This transform will search for the phrase and shows the related telephone numbers. |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
[On-Premise] To Websites - specifics (pastebin) [using SE]
This Transform will search for the given phrase and show the sites where the phrase occurs.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_key | Bing Search Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
bing_search_service_api_url | Bing Search Api URL | string | https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search | True | True | False |
exact_match | Exact Match | boolean | False | True | True | False |
sitelist | Site List | string | [‘pastie.org’, ‘pastebin.com’, ‘pastebin.ca’] | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Websites - specifics (pastebin) [using SE] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | using SE |
Transform Name | onprem.PhraseToSpecificSites_SE |
Short Description | This transform will search for the given phrase and show the sites where the phrase occurs. |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
The Transform will extract aliases from a tweet.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Aliases [mentioned in Tweet] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | mentioned in Tweet |
Transform Name | onprem.pullAliases |
Short Description | The transform will extract aliases from a tweet. |
Input Entities | maltego.Twit |
Output Entities | maltego.Alias |
Simply splits tweet into words and pulls the hashtag.
IgnoreHashes | Hashes to ignore. | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Hash Tags |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.pullHashTags |
Short Description | Simply splits tweet into words and pulls the hashtag. |
Input Entities | maltego.Twit |
Output Entities | maltego.hashtag |
[On-Premise] To Sentiment [IBM Watson]
This transform will retrieve the sentiment of a Tweet.
companies_to_ignore | Companies To Ignore | string | [‘icann’, ‘google’, ‘microsoft’, ‘ibm’, ‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘adobe’, ‘creative commons’, ‘hp’, ‘yahoo’, ‘amazon’, ‘youtube’, ‘apple’, ‘ebay’, ‘paypal’] | True | True | False |
ibm_watson_api_key | IBM Watson Api Key | string | | True | True | False |
ibm_watson_api_url | IBM Watson Api URL | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Sentiment [IBM Watson] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | IBM Watson |
Transform Name | onprem.TweetSentiment |
Short Description | This transform will get a sentiment of a Tweet. |
Input Entities | maltego.Twit |
Output Entities | Phrase |
[On-Premise] To Stock Symbol
Simply splits tweet into words and pulls the stock symbols.
IgnoreHashes | Stocks to ignore. | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Stock Symbol |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.pullStockSymbol |
Short Description | Simply splits tweet into words and pulls the stock symbols. |
Input Entities | maltego.Twit |
Output Entities | maltego.StockSymbol |
Attempts to return URLs from tweets.
expand_urls | Expand URLs | boolean | True | True | True | False |
include_tweets | Include Tweet Links | boolean | False | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To URLs [Extracts links from Tweet] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Extracts links from Tweet |
Transform Name | onprem.pullURLs |
Short Description | Try return URLs from tweets. |
Input Entities | maltego.Twit |
Output Entities | maltego.URL |
[On-Premise] To Words [English]
ignoreRT | Ignore Retweets | boolean | True | True | True | False |
wordListDepth | Word List Depth | int | 3500 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Words [English] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | English |
Transform Name | onprem.TweetToWords |
Short Description | |
Input Entities | maltego.Twit |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |
[On-Premise] To Email Addresses [Found on web page]
This Transform finds the email addresses on the URL.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Email Addresses [Found on web page] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Found on web page |
Transform Name | onprem.URLToEmail_Parse |
Short Description | This transform finds the email addresses on the URL |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
[On-Premise] To Phone numbers [Found on this web page]
This Transform finds the phone numbers on the URL.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Phone numbers [Found on this web page] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Found on this web page |
Transform Name | onprem.URLToPhoneNumber_Parse |
Short Description | This transform finds the phone numbers on the URL |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
[On-Premise] URL to Title
Fetches the title from a given URL. Looks for HTTP and simple JS redirects.
Display Name | [On-Premise] URL to Title |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.URLToTitle |
Short Description | Fetches title from a given URL. Looks for HTTP and simple JS redirects. |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.WebTitle |
[On-Premise] To Website [Convert]
This Transform converts a URL to a website.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Website [Convert] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Convert |
Transform Name | onprem.URLToWebsite_Convert |
Short Description | This transform converts an URL to a website |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To Website [Links on this web page]
This Transform looks for outgoing links on the URL and show them as websites.
HTTP_Timeout | HTTP timeout (ms) | int | 8000 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Website [Links on this web page] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Links on this web page |
Transform Name | onprem.URLToWebsite_Parse |
Short Description | This transform looks for outgoing links on the URL and show them as websites |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] Mirror: Email addresses found
This Transform uses a website mirror to spider the site and extract email addresses.
Display Name | [On-Premise] Mirror: Email addresses found |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.WebsiteToEmailAddress_Mirror |
Short Description | This transform uses a website mirror to spider the site and extract email addresses |
Input Entities | maltego.Website |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
[On-Premise] To Website Title
Fetches title from a given website. Looks for HTTP and simple JS redirects.
request_connect_timeout | Request Connect Timeout (s) | string | | True | True | False |
request_read_timeout | Request Read Timeout (s) | string | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Website Title |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.WebsiteToWebTitle_Mech |
Short Description | Fetches title from a given website. Looks for HTTP and simple JS redirects. |
Input Entities | maltego.Website |
Output Entities | maltego.WebTitle |
[On-Premise] To URLs [show Search Engine results]
This Transform just dumps the URLs collected.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To URLs [show Search Engine results] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | show Search Engine results |
Transform Name | onprem.WebsiteToURL_Expand |
Short Description | This transform just dumps the URLs collected. |
Input Entities | maltego.Website |
Output Entities | maltego.URL |
[On-Premise] Mirror: External links found
This Transform uses a website mirror to spider the site and extract links.
Display Name | [On-Premise] Mirror: External links found |
Owner | Maltego Technologies |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.WebsiteToWebsite_Mirror |
Short Description | This transform uses a website mirror to spider the site and extract links. |
Input Entities | maltego.Website |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |
[On-Premise] To Relationships [BuiltWith]
This Transform returns the identifiers that might be shared with other websites.
builtwith_api_key | BuiltWith API key: | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Relationships [BuiltWith] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | BuiltWith |
Transform Name | onprem.builtwith.websiteToRelationships |
Short Description | This Transform returns the identifiers that might be shared with other websites |
Input Entities | maltego.Website |
Output Entities | maltego.builtwith.Relationship |
[On-Premise] To Web Technologies [BuiltWith]
builtwith_api_key | BuiltWith API key: | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Web Technologies [BuiltWith] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | BuiltWith |
Output Entities | maltego.builtwith.Technology |
onprem.ToServerTechnologiesWebsite | This Transform returns the internet technologies used by the website served on all paths under the main domain of the input website | maltego.Website |
onprem.builtwith.urlToBuiltWithTechnologies | This Transform returns the internet technologies used by the input URL | maltego.URL |
[On-Premise] To Websites [BuiltWith]
This Transform extracts the websites that have the same input relationship.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Websites [BuiltWith] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | BuiltWith |
Transform Name | onprem.builtwith.builtWithRelationshipToWebsites |
Short Description | This Transform extracts the websites that have the same input relationship |
Input Entities | maltego.builtwith.Relationship |
Output Entities | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To Identifier [BuiltWith]
This Transform extracts the evidence from the input Relationship Entity.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Identifier [BuiltWith] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | BuiltWith |
Transform Name | onprem.builtwith.builtWithRelationshipToIdentifier |
Short Description | This Transform extracts the evidence from the input Relationship Entity |
Input Entities | maltego.builtwith.Relationship |
Output Entities | maltego.UniqueIdentifier, maltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address |
[On-Premise] To Links [Found on web page]
Get all the links on the given URL.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Links [Found on web page] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Found on web page |
Transform Name | onprem.mst.http.toLinksFromURL |
Short Description | Get all the links on the given URL. |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.URL |
[On-Premise] To Regex Matches [Found on web page]
Get Regex Matches on Page.
matchRegex | Regex To Match | string | ([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+) | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Regex Matches [Found on web page] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Found on web page |
Transform Name | onprem.mst.http.toMatchesFoundOnPage |
Short Description | Get Regex Matches on Page |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |
[On-Premise] To Images [Found on web page]
Get all images on the given URL.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Images [Found on web page] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Found on web page |
Transform Name | onprem.toImagesFromURL |
Short Description | Get all images on the given URL. |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.Image |
[On-Premise] To Tracking Codes
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Tracking Codes |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Output Entities | maltego.UniqueIdentifier |
onprem.urlToUniqueID | This transform will look at URL for Google Analytic ID and AdSense ID. | maltego.URL |
onprem.uniqueID | This transform will look at a website’s source for Google Analytic IDs and AdSense IDs. | maltego.Website |
[On-Premise] To EXIF Info
Attempts to identify EXIF information in images.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To EXIF Info |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | On-Premise |
Transform Name | onprem.toExifInfo |
Short Description | Tries to identify EXIF information in images. |
Input Entities | maltego.Image |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |
[On-Premise] To Datetime [within Properties]
This Transform looks for date matches in an entity’s properties.
matchSubstrings | matchSubstrings | boolean | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Datetime [within Properties] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | within Properties |
Transform Name | onprem.props.entityToDateTime |
Short Description | This Transform looks for date matches in an entity’s properties. |
Input Entities | maltego.Unknown |
Output Entities | maltego.DateTime |
[On-Premise] To Domains [within Properties]
This Transform looks for possible Domains in an entity’s properties.
matchSubdomains | Return sub domains | boolean | | True | True | False |
matchSubstrings | Match sub strings in property values | boolean | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Domains [within Properties] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | within Properties |
Transform Name | onprem.props.entityToDomain |
Short Description | This Transform looks for possible Domains in an entity’s properties. |
Input Entities | maltego.Unknown |
Output Entities | maltego.Domain |
[On-Premise] To IP Addresses [within Properties]
This Transform looks for ip address and netblock matches in an entity’s properties.
matchSubstrings | matchSubstrings | boolean | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To IP Addresses [within Properties] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | within Properties |
Transform Name | onprem.props.entityToIpAddress |
Short Description | This Transform looks for ip address and netblock matches in an entity’s properties. |
Input Entities | maltego.Unknown |
Output Entities | IPv4Address |
[On-Premise] To E-Mail Addresses [within Properties]
This Transform looks for email address matches in an entity’s properties.
matchSubstrings | matchSubstrings | boolean | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To E-Mail Addresses [within Properties] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | within Properties |
Transform Name | onprem.props.entityToEmail |
Short Description | This Transform looks for email address matches in an entity’s properties. |
Input Entities | maltego.Unknown |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
[On-Premise] To Phone Numbers [within Properties]
This Transform looks for phone number matches in an entity’s properties.
matchSubstrings | matchSubstrings | boolean | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Phone Numbers [within Properties] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | within Properties |
Transform Name | onprem.props.entityToPhoneNumber |
Short Description | This Transform looks for phone number matches in an entity’s properties. |
Input Entities | maltego.Unknown |
Output Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
[On-Premise] To DNSNames [within Properties]
This Transform looks for possible DNSNames in an entity’s properties.
matchSubstrings | Match substrings in property values | boolean | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNSNames [within Properties] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | within Properties |
Transform Name | onprem.props.entityToDNSName |
Short Description | This Transform looks for possible DNSNames in an entity’s properties. |
Input Entities | maltego.Unknown |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
[On-Premise] To URLs [within Properties]
This Transform looks for URL matches in an entity’s properties.
matchSubstrings | matchSubstrings | boolean | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To URLs [within Properties] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | within Properties |
Transform Name | onprem.props.entityToURL |
Short Description | This Transform looks for URL matches in an entity’s properties. |
Input Entities | maltego.Unknown |
Output Entities | maltego.URL |
[On-Premise] To GPS [within Properties]
This Transform looks for GPS matches in an entity’s properties.
matchSubstrings | matchSubstrings | boolean | | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To GPS [within Properties] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | within Properties |
Transform Name | onprem.props.entityToGPS |
Short Description | This Transform looks for GPS matches in an entity’s properties. |
Input Entities | maltego.Unknown |
Output Entities | maltego.GPS |
[On-Premise] To Email Addresses [PGP]
PGP_HTTP_Timeout | PGP Server HTTP timeout(ms) | int | 10000 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Email Addresses [PGP] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | PGP |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
onprem.DomainToEmailAddress_PGP | This Transform contacts Ubuntu public PGP keyserver and retrieves email addresses containing the given domain | maltego.Domain |
onprem.PersonToEmailAddress_SamePGP | This Transform contacts Ubuntu public PGP keyserver and retrieves the person’s email address - if it exists | maltego.Person |
onprem.EmailAddressToEmailAddress_SamePGP | This Transform contacts Ubuntu public PGP keyserver and retrieves alternative email addresses for the given email address | maltego.EmailAddress |
[On-Premise] To Person [PGP]
PGP_HTTP_Timeout | PGP Server HTTP timeout(ms) | int | 10000 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Person [PGP] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | PGP |
Output Entities | maltego.Person |
onprem.DomainToPerson_PGP | This Transform contacts Ubuntu public PGP keyserver and return the names containing the given domain | maltego.Domain |
onprem.EmailAddressToPerson_SamePGP | This Transform contacts Ubuntu public PGP keyserver and retrieves the person’s name for the given email address | maltego.EmailAddress |
[On-Premise] To Original URL [Wayback Machine]
Returns the original URL of the snapshot.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Original URL [Wayback Machine] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wayback Machine |
Transform Name | onprem.wayback.WaybackSnapshotToOriginalUrl |
Short Description | Returns the original URL of the snapshot |
Input Entities | maltego.wayback.Snapshot |
Output Entities | maltego.URL |
[On-Premise] To Snapshots between Dates [Wayback Machine]
beginDate | Begin Date - YYYYMMDD | string | 20100101 | True | True | False |
endDate | End Date- YYYYMMDD | string | 20201231 | True | True | False |
httpTimeout | HTTP timeout(ms) | string | 90000 | True | True | False |
statusCode | HTTP status code when the snapshot was taken (set 0 for any status code) | string | 20.* | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Snapshots between Dates [Wayback Machine] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wayback Machine |
onprem.wayback.FileToSnapshotsInTimeframe | Returns the file’s snapshots | maltego.File | maltego.wayback.FileSnapshot |
onprem.wayback.DomainToSnapshotsInTimeframe | Returns snapshots of resources from the given domain archived within the specified time frame. | maltego.Domain | maltego.wayback.Snapshot |
onprem.wayback.URLToSnapshotsInTimeframe | Returns the URL’s snapshots archived within the specified time frame. | maltego.URL | maltego.wayback.Snapshot |
onprem.wayback.ImageToSnapshotsInTimeframe | Returns the image’s snapshots | maltego.Image | maltego.wayback.ImageSnapshot |
onprem.wayback.DocumentToSnapshotsInTimeframe | Returns the file’s snapshots | maltego.Document | maltego.wayback.DocumentSnapshot |
onprem.wayback.WebsiteToSnapshotsInTimeframe | This transform returns the snapshots of resources from the website archived within the specified time frame. | maltego.Website | maltego.wayback.Snapshot |
[On-Premise] To Original Image [Wayback Machine]
Returns the original web image of the image snapshot.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Original Image [Wayback Machine] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wayback Machine |
Transform Name | onprem.wayback.ImageSnapshotToOriginalImage |
Short Description | Returns the original web image of the image snapshot |
Input Entities | maltego.wayback.ImageSnapshot |
Output Entities | maltego.Image |
[On-Premise] To Snapshots (Exact) [Wayback Machine]
This Transform returns the snapshots of given URL.
httpTimeout | HTTP timeout(ms) | string | 90000 | True | True | False |
statusCode | HTTP status code when the snapshot was taken (set 0 for any status code) | string | 20.* | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Snapshots (Exact) [Wayback Machine] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wayback Machine |
Transform Name | onprem.wayback.URLToSnapshotsExact |
Short Description | This transform returns the snapshots of given URL. |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.WaybackSnapshot |
[On-Premise] To Original Document [Wayback Machine]
Returns the original web document of the document snapshot.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Original Document [Wayback Machine] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wayback Machine |
Transform Name | onprem.wayback.DocumentSnapshotToOriginalDocument |
Short Description | Returns the original web document of the document snapshot |
Input Entities | maltego.wayback.DocumentSnapshot |
Output Entities | maltego.Document |
[On-Premise] To Snapshots [Wayback Machine]
httpTimeout | HTTP timeout(ms) | string | 90000 | True | True | False |
statusCode | HTTP status code when the snapshot was taken (set 0 for any status code) | string | 20.* | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Snapshots [Wayback Machine] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wayback Machine |
onprem.wayback.DomainToSnapshots | Returns snapshots of resources from the given domain. | maltego.Domain | maltego.wayback.Snapshot |
onprem.wayback.DocumentToSnapshots | Returns the document’s snapshots | maltego.Document | maltego.wayback.DocumentSnapshot |
onprem.wayback.WebsiteToSnapshots | This transform returns the snapshots of resources from the given website. | maltego.Website | maltego.wayback.Snapshot |
onprem.wayback.URLToSnapshots | Returns the URL’s snapshots from the given URL. | maltego.URL | maltego.wayback.Snapshot |
onprem.wayback.FileToSnapshots | Returns the file’s snapshots | maltego.File | maltego.wayback.FileSnapshot |
onprem.wayback.ImageToSnapshots | Returns the image’s snapshots | maltego.Image | maltego.wayback.ImageSnapshot |
[On-Premise] To Snapshots between Dates (Exact) [Wayback Machine]
Returns the URL’s exact snapshots archived within the specified time frame.
beginDate | Begin Date - YYYYMMDD | string | 20100101 | True | True | False |
endDate | End Date- YYYYMMDD | string | 20201231 | True | True | False |
httpTimeout | HTTP timeout(ms) | string | 90000 | True | True | False |
statusCode | HTTP status code when the snapshot was taken (set 0 for any status code) | string | 20.* | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Snapshots between Dates (Exact) [Wayback Machine] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wayback Machine |
Transform Name | onprem.wayback.URLToSnapshotsInTimeframeExact |
Short Description | Returns the URL’s exact snapshots archived within the specified time frame. |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.wayback.Snapshot |
[On-Premise] To Original File [Wayback Machine]
Returns the original web file of the file snapshot.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Original File [Wayback Machine] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wayback Machine |
Transform Name | onprem.wayback.FileSnapshotToOriginalFile |
Short Description | Returns the original web file of the file snapshot |
Input Entities | maltego.wayback.FileSnapshot |
Output Entities | maltego.File |
[On-Premise] To Netblock (Using routing info) [WhoisXML]
This Transform returns the netblocks available for the input IPv4 address.
whoisxml_api_key | WhoisXML API Key | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Netblock (Using routing info) [WhoisXML] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | onprem.IPAddressToNetblock_SS |
Short Description | This Transform returns the netblocks available for the input IPv4 address. |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To AS Number [WhoisXML]
This Transform returns the AS (Autonomous System) number for the given netblock. If the netblock contains smaller subnets, the AS for the largest subnet is returned.
whoisxml_api_key | WhoisXML API Key | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To AS Number [WhoisXML] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | onprem.NetblockToAS_SS |
Short Description | This Transform returns the AS (Autonomous System) number for the given netblock. If the netblock contains smaller subnets, the AS for the largest subnet is returned. |
Input Entities | maltego.Netblock |
Output Entities | maltego.AS |
[On-Premise] To IPv6 Netblocks (Blocks delegated to this NS) [WhoisXML]
This Transform will resolve the IPv6 address for the NS record and return netblocks delegated to the resolved IPv6 address.
whoisxml_api_key | WhoisXML API Key | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To IPv6 Netblocks (Blocks delegated to this NS) [WhoisXML] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | onprem.whoisxml.ipnetblocks.nsRecordToDelegatedIpv6Netblocks |
Short Description | This Transform will resolve the IPv6 address for the NS record and return netblocks delegated to the resolved IPv6 address. |
Input Entities | maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To Netblocks [WhoisXML]
This Transform returns the netblocks available for the input IPv6 address.
whoisxml_api_key | WhoisXML API Key | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Netblocks [WhoisXML] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | onprem.whoisxml.ipnetblocks.ipv6AddressToNetblocks |
Short Description | This Transform returns the netblocks available for the input IPv6 address. |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv6Address |
Output Entities | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To AS [WhoisXML]
This Transform returns the AS (Autonomous System) number for the given netblock.
whoisxml_api_key | WhoisXML API Key | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To AS [WhoisXML] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | onprem.whoisxml.ipnetblocks.cidrToAsNumber |
Short Description | This Transform returns the AS (Autonomous System) number for the given netblock. |
Input Entities | maltego.CIDR |
Output Entities | maltego.AS |
[On-Premise] To Domain (Find other TLDs) [WhoisXML]
This Transform returns the domains with different TLDs but same domain name to the input domain entity.
whoisxml_api_key | WhoisXML API Key | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Domain (Find other TLDs) [WhoisXML] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToDomain_TLD |
Short Description | This Transform returns the domains with different TLDs but same domain name to the input domain entity. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.Domain |
[On-Premise] To IPv4 Netblocks (Blocks delegated to this NS) [WhoisXML]
This Transform will resolve the IPv4 address for the NS record and returns netblocks delegated to the resolved IPv4 address.
whoisxml_api_key | WhoisXML API Key | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To IPv4 Netblocks (Blocks delegated to this NS) [WhoisXML] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | onprem.NSrecordToNetblock_NS4block |
Short Description | This Transform will resolve the IPv4 address for the NS record and returns netblocks delegated to the resolved IPv4 address. |
Input Entities | maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To Company (Owner) [WhoisXML]
This Transform returns the company owner of the given AS (Autonomous System).
whoisxml_api_key | WhoisXML API Key | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Company (Owner) [WhoisXML] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | onprem.ASNumberToCompany |
Short Description | This Transform returns the company owner of the given AS (Autonomous System). |
Input Entities | maltego.AS |
Output Entities | maltego.Company |
[On-Premise] To Netblocks in this AS [WhoisXML]
This Transform returns the routes located within the input AS (Autonomous System) number by looking it up in WhoisXML.
whoisxml_api_key | WhoisXML API Key | string | | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Netblocks in this AS [WhoisXML] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | WhoisXML |
Transform Name | onprem.ASNumberToNetblocks_Robtex |
Short Description | This Transform returns the routes located within the input AS (Autonomous System) number by looking it up in WhoisXML. |
Input Entities | maltego.AS |
Output Entities | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] To Pages Edited [Wikipedia EN]
dateRange | Search Date Range | daterange | | True | True | False |
httpTimeout | HTTP timeout(ms) - When elapsed, pagination stops and returns available results | string | 90000 | True | True | False |
ucshow | Filter Edits - Enter one of: minor,new,top,all | string | all | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Pages Edited [Wikipedia EN] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wikipedia EN |
Output Entities | maltego.wikimedia.Page |
onprem.wikipedia-en.aliasToPagesEdited | This Transform returns the unique wiki Pages edited by the given alias. | maltego.Alias |
onprem.wikipedia-en.ipv6AddressToPagesEdited | This Transform returns the unique wiki Pages edited by the given IPv6 address. | maltego.IPv6Address |
onprem.wikipedia-en.cidrToPagesEdited | This Transform returns the pages edited by the given IPv4 CIDR. | maltego.CIDR |
onprem.wikipedia-en.ipv4AddressToPagesEdited | This Transform returns the unique Wikimedia pages edited by the given IPv4 address. | maltego.IPv4Address |
onprem.wikipedia-en.netblockToPagesEdited | This Transform returns the Wikimedia pages edited by the given IPv4 range. | maltego.Netblock |
[On-Premise] Search Text In Pages [Wikipedia EN]
This Transform returns a list of Wikimedia pages containing the search term.
httpTimeout | HTTP timeout(ms) - When elapsed, pagination stops and returns available results | string | 90000 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] Search Text In Pages [Wikipedia EN] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wikipedia EN |
Transform Name | onprem.wikipedia-en.searchTextInPage |
Short Description | This Transform returns a list of Wikimedia pages containing the search term. |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | maltego.wikimedia.Page |
[On-Premise] Search Page Titles [Wikipedia EN]
This Transform returns a list of Wikimedia pages starting with the search term.
httpTimeout | HTTP timeout(ms) - When elapsed, pagination stops and returns available results | string | 90000 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] Search Page Titles [Wikipedia EN] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wikipedia EN |
Transform Name | onprem.wikipedia-en.searchPageTitlePrefix |
Short Description | This Transform returns a list of Wikimedia pages starting with the search term. |
Input Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities | maltego.wikimedia.Page |
[On-Premise] To Page Edits [Wikipedia EN]
dateRange | Search Date Range | daterange | | True | True | False |
httpTimeout | HTTP timeout(ms) - When elapsed, pagination stops and returns available results | string | 90000 | True | True | False |
ucshow | Filter Edits - Enter one of: minor,new,top,all | string | all | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Page Edits [Wikipedia EN] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wikipedia EN |
Output Entities | maltego.wikimedia.PageEdit |
onprem.wikipedia-en.aliasToPageEdits | This Transform returns the Wikimedia edits by the given alias. | maltego.Alias |
onprem.wikipedia-en.ipv6AddressToPageEdits | This Transform returns the edits by the given IPv6 address. | maltego.IPv6Address |
onprem.wikipedia-en.netblockToPageEdits | This Transform returns the Wikimedia edits by the given IPv4 range. | maltego.Netblock |
onprem.wikipedia-en.pageToPageEdits | This Transform retrieves the page edits that were made on a Wikimedia page. | maltego.wikimedia.Page |
onprem.toWikiEdits | This Transform returns the Wikimedia edits by the given IPv4 address. | maltego.IPv4Address |
onprem.wikipedia-en.cidrToPageEdits | This Transform returns the edits by the given IPv4 CIDR. | maltego.CIDR |
[On-Premise] To Page Editors [Wikipedia EN]
This Transform retrieves a list of IP addresses and aliases that edited a Wikimedia page.
dateRange | Search Date Range | daterange | | True | True | False |
httpTimeout | HTTP timeout(ms) - When elapsed, pagination stops and returns available results | string | 90000 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Page Editors [Wikipedia EN] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wikipedia EN |
Transform Name | onprem.wikipedia-en.pageToEditors |
Short Description | This Transform retrieves a list of IP addresses and aliases that edited a Wikimedia page. |
Input Entities | maltego.wikimedia.Page |
Output Entities | maltego.Alias |
[On-Premise] To Pages Nearby [Wikipedia EN]
This Transform returns the places with Wikipedia pages within the radius of the given Location Entity.
radius | Radius(metres) - Default 100metres | string | 100 | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Pages Nearby [Wikipedia EN] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wikipedia EN |
Transform Name | onprem.wikipedia-en.gpsToPlacesNearby |
Short Description | This Transform returns the places with Wikipedia pages within the radius of the given Location Entity. |
Input Entities | maltego.GPS |
Output Entities | maltego.wikimedia.Page |
[On-Premise] To Editors [Wikipedia EN]
This Transform returns the editors for a particular WikiEdit
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Editors [Wikipedia EN] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wikipedia EN |
Transform Name | onprem.wikipedia-en.pageEditToEditors |
Short Description | This Transform returns the editors for a particular WikiEdit |
Input Entities | maltego.wikimedia.PageEdit |
Output Entities | maltego.Alias, maltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address |
[On-Premise] To GPS from Page [Wikipedia EN]
This Transform returns the GPS for a given page, if the page lists coordinates.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To GPS from Page [Wikipedia EN] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wikipedia EN |
Transform Name | onprem.wikipedia-en.wikimediaPageToGpsOnPage |
Short Description | This Transform returns the GPS for a given page, if the page lists coordinates. |
Input Entities | maltego.wikimedia.Page |
Output Entities | maltego.GPS |
[On-Premise] To Page [Wikipedia EN]
This Transform returns the unique Wikimedia page URL.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Page [Wikipedia EN] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego |
Data Source | Wikipedia EN |
Transform Name | onprem.wikipedia-en.pageEditToPage |
Short Description | This Transform returns the unique Wikimedia page URL. |
Input Entities | maltego.wikimedia.PageEdit |
Output Entities | maltego.wikimedia.Page |
[On-Premise] Verify and fraud-check email address [IPQS]
Query IPQualityScore to verify an email address.
onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.global.global#ipqs_api_key | IPQualityScore API Key | string | None | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] Verify and fraud-check email address [IPQS] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | IPQS |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.email_verify |
Short Description | Query IPQualityScore to verify an email address. |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress, maltego.ipqs.Tag |
Query IPQualityScore to get tags for an email address.
onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.global.global#ipqs_api_key | IPQualityScore API Key | string | None | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] Get tags and indicators for email address [IPQS] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | IPQS |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.email_tags |
Short Description | Query IPQualityScore to get tags for an email address. |
Input Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress, maltego.ipqs.Tag |
[On-Premise] To Details (Location, DNS, ASN, Company) [IPQS]
Query IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve location, ownership, ASN and other details.
onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.global.global#ipqs_api_key | IPQualityScore API Key | string | None | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Details (Location, DNS, ASN, Company) [IPQS] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | IPQS |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.ip_ownership_and_location |
Short Description | Query IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve location, ownership, ASN and other details. |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName, maltego.IPv4Address, maltego.Location, maltego.Organization, maltego.AS |
Query IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve tags.
onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.global.global#ipqs_api_key | IPQualityScore API Key | string | None | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] Get tags and indicators (VPN, Tor, Proxy, etc.) [IPQS] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | IPQS |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.ip_tags |
Short Description | Query IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve tags. |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.IPv4Address, maltego.ipqs.Tag |
[On-Premise] Fraud-check IP address [IPQS]
Query IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve fraud score.
onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.global.global#ipqs_api_key | IPQualityScore API Key | string | None | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] Fraud-check IP address [IPQS] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | IPQS |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.ip_fraud |
Short Description | Query IPQualityScore for an IP Address and retrieve fraud score. |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
[On-Premise] Verify and fraud-check phone number [IPQS]
Query IPQualityScore to verify a phone number.
onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.global.global#ipqs_api_key | IPQualityScore API Key | string | None | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] Verify and fraud-check phone number [IPQS] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | IPQS |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.phone_verify |
Short Description | Query IPQualityScore to verify a phone number. |
Input Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Output Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber, maltego.ipqs.Tag |
Query IPQualityScore to get tags for an phone number.
onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.global.global#ipqs_api_key | IPQualityScore API Key | string | None | True | True | True |
Display Name | [On-Premise] Get tags and indicators for phone number [IPQS] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | IPQS |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.labs.IPQualityScore.phone_tags |
Short Description | Query IPQualityScore to get tags for an phone number. |
Input Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Output Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber, maltego.ipqs.Tag, maltego.Company, maltego.Location |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name (interesting) [SecurityTrails]
This Transform will search for a set of interesting DNS names in the DNS zone using SecurityTrails.
onprem.DomainToDNSName_DB_interest.interesting_subdomains | Interesting Sub Domains | string | vpn,webmail,mail,firewall,test,scada,intranet,secure,ssh,database | True | True | False |
onprem.global.global#securitytrails_api_key | API Key | string | None | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name (interesting) [SecurityTrails] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | SecurityTrails |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToDNSName_DB_interest |
Short Description | This Transform will search for a set of interesting DNS names in the DNS zone using SecurityTrails. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name [SecurityTrails]
This Transform will search for a given DNS name in the passive DNS database of SecurityTrails.
onprem.global.global#securitytrails_api_key | API Key | string | None | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name [SecurityTrails] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | SecurityTrails |
Transform Name | onprem.DomainToDNSName_DB |
Short Description | This Transform will search for a given DNS name in the passive DNS database of SecurityTrails. |
Input Entities | maltego.Domain |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
[On-Premise] To DNS Name from passive DNS [SecurityTrails]
onprem.global.global#securitytrails_api_key | API Key | string | None | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Name from passive DNS [SecurityTrails] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | SecurityTrails |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
onprem.IPAddressToDNSName_SharedIP | This Transform will search for DNS names for a given IPv4 address in the passive DNS database of SecurityTrails. | maltego.IPv4Address |
onprem.IP6AddressToDNSName_SharedIP | This Transform will search for DNS names for a given IPv6 address in the passive DNS database of SecurityTrails. | maltego.IPv6Address |
[On-Premise] To DNS Names in Netblock [SecurityTrails]
onprem.global.global#securitytrails_api_key | API Key | string | None | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To DNS Names in Netblock [SecurityTrails] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | SecurityTrails |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
onprem.NetblockToDNSName_SS | This Transform will search for DNS names in a given IP address range using SecurityTrails passive DNS. | maltego.Netblock |
onprem.CIDRToDNSName_SS | This Transform will search for DNS names in a given IP subnet using SecurityTrails passive DNS. | maltego.CIDR |
[On-Premise] To Domains [Sharing this MX]
This Transform determines which other domains share this MX record by looking at historical/passive DNS.
onprem.global.global#securitytrails_api_key | API Key | string | None | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Domains [Sharing this MX] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Sharing this MX |
Transform Name | onprem.MXrecordToDomain_SharedMX |
Short Description | This transform determines which other domains share this MX record by looking at historical/passive DNS |
Input Entities | maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities | maltego.Domain |
[On-Premise] To Domains [Sharing this NS]
This Transform determines which other domains share this NS record by looking at historical/passive DNS.
onprem.global.global#securitytrails_api_key | API Key | string | None | True | True | False |
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Domains [Sharing this NS] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Sharing this NS |
Transform Name | onprem.NSrecordToDomain_SharedNS |
Short Description | This transform determines which other domains share this NS record by looking at historical/passive DNS. |
Input Entities | maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities | maltego.Domain |
[On-Premise] To CVE [Shodan Internet DB]
Get CVEs found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To CVE [Shodan Internet DB] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Shodan Internet DB |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.jinxpy_shodan.ip_address_to_cve |
Short Description | Get CVEs found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.CVE |
[On-Premise] To Ports [Shodan Internet DB]
Get Ports found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB.
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Ports [Shodan Internet DB] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Shodan Internet DB |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.jinxpy_shodan.ip_address_to_ports |
Short Description | Get Ports found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.Port |
Get Tags found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Tags [Shodan Internet DB] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Shodan Internet DB |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.jinxpy_shodan.ip_address_to_tags |
Short Description | Get Tags found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.shodan.Tag |
[On-Premise] To Hostnames [Shodan Internet DB]
Get Hostnames found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB
Display Name | [On-Premise] To Hostnames [Shodan Internet DB] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Shodan Internet DB |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.jinxpy_shodan.ip_address_to_hostnames |
Short Description | Get Hostnames found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.DNSName |
[On-Premise] To CPEs [Shodan Internet DB]
Get CPEs found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB
Display Name | [On-Premise] To CPEs [Shodan Internet DB] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Shodan Internet DB |
Transform Name | onprem.maltego.jinxpy_shodan.ip_address_to_cpes |
Short Description | Get CPEs found for the IP Address from Shodan Internet DB |
Input Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |