Glossary for Maltego Evidence

Modified on: Fri, 22 Nov, 2024 at 12:30 PM

Term in German

Term in English

Explanation / Meaning




A runner is a collection server that is automatically started in the background when Maltego Evidence is started. It is used to run backups in the background so that you can continue to use the software. The more runners you have in your license, the more parallel backups can be executed.


Crawling-Task / Task

A crawling task is a task that is sent to the runner and contains information about a profile or posting that is to be secured. This is processed in the background. When a survey is completed, the results are imported into the project and are available to the user for analysis and visualization.


Task Group

A task group logically combines several individual tasks. If you initiate several tasks during task creation (e.g. friends backup + timeline backup for several profiles), these are combined into one task group. Even if you create recurring tasks, these often contain several sub-tasks. If a recurring task is executed at the selected time, a new task group with all defined sub-tasks is created for it. This is relevant for filtering by task groups in the data explorers. 


Crawling Profile

A crawling profile (not to be confused with target profile) is required to view private content on social networks. The runner logs into the social network using the login credentials you specify in the crawling profile. A crawling profile is not project-specific and thus can be reused across multiple projects. A crawling profile is network-specific. 


Target Profile

A target profile is a collected profile that was either manually set as such by the user, or was once a primary target of a previous backup. So when I collect data from a profile, it will show up as a target profile in Maltego Evidence. Any profile can be marked as a target profile by the user, or removed as a target profile. Marking a profile as a target profile allows faster access to that profile in different parts of the software (e.g. Analytics or Data Explorer). 



A profile is a secured profile of a social network. It is important to mention here that groups in SNH 1 were also secured as profiles. Now profiles are either pages (e.g. on Facebook) or profiles. There is a separate data structure for groups. 



The timeline is a list of shared / written content in a social network. On Facebook, for example, this is the personal posting history of a user or the posted content within a group. On Telegram, it is the shared chat messages or postings within a Telegram group. On Youtube, it is the published videos of a specific channel. 

Chat Nachricht

Chat Message

In Maltego Evidence, chat messages are not exclusively private messages sent. Due to the special structure, chat messages in Maltego Evidence can be displayed in a tree structure better than postings. Therefore, Twitter tweets are also saved and displayed as chat messages. Telegram messages are also saved and displayed as chat messages, depending on their type. Chat messages cannot contain comments, but only replies, which are themselves individual chat messages.

Data analysis and processing



A report is a specification used to create a PDF file with user-defined content. A report is always assigned to a single project and can only contain data from one project.



A project is a collection of data from multiple networks. Data cannot be linked across project boundaries at the current time.



An Analytics sheet is a memory state of a graphical analysis in Maltego Evidence using the Analytics module. Similar to Excel, multiple tabs can be created to store different states of the visual analysis. 


(Analytics-)Sheet History State

A new Analytics sheet history state is added when you click Save within an Analytics sheet. To ensure that old saves are not lost, they are saved for each sheet. This makes it very easy for a user to recall an old save.

SNH Exchange Format

SNH Exchange Format

This format was introduced to make it possible for users of different Maltego Evidence versions to easily import files from SNH 1 to Maltego Evidence. It is also possible to share projects between different Maltego Evidence desktop users by exporting the project to the SNH Exchange format and importing it again from the recipient.

Tag Schema Vorlage

Tag Schema Template

A template that provides a set of tags that are available within a project. Depending on which tag scheme template is used to create a project, the project is initialized with the tags. However, they can be customized per project.


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