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2024 Release Notes for Maltego Monitor

Modified on: Wed, 16 Oct, 2024 at 4:38 AM

This page details release notes and updates to Maltego Monitor (previously PublicSonar) released since January 2024. 

Please check-in regularly to see what has been added and changed!


Most recent update released: Monday, 5 August, 09.28 a.m CET. 

In order of most recent first: 

July 2024

Platform improvements

  • The platform has been officially rebranded as Maltego Monitor. This means a definite name change, but also a change of colors, pictograms and fonts. 
  • The domain has also changed to Bookmark it now!
  • YouTube is now also supported for video transcription (video transcription is an extra service).
  • The display name and username of an account are now also included when exporting messages via csv or excel. 

June 2024

Platform improvements

  • As part of gradually transitioning into Maltego Monitor, the platform first added the new name and logo next to the current branding. 
  • The video transcription service now also supports YouTube transcriptions. 


May 2024

Platform improvements

  • Users can now choose an expiration date for the public dashboard. The date can be set up to 30 days into the future. This works as a security measure to prevent dashboards from endlessly staying public. 
  • Users will see more feedback when adding or editing searches or filters. The message count will start to blink to indicate the request is loading. 
  • New search language added: Romanian. Please reach out to if you want this enabled in your case monitor. 


April 2024

New features

  • Users will now see a bell-icon next to their name, with access to personal notifications about the system. If a notification goes off, the bell icon gets a red number. After clicking on the bell, the user sees the notifications. These can be marked as read by clicking on the red dot, or by doing the action (e.g. go to case). After 30 days, all notifications are wiped. There are multiple notifications possible: 
    • when an alert is triggered with your name attached
    • when your case is about to be auto-paused
    • when your case is collecting a lot of messages
    • when your case was automatically paused because it collected too many messages in a day
    • when your Telegram account was disconnected
    • when there is a new communication update in the platform. 
  • New search language added: Hungarian. Please reach out to if you want this enabled in your case monitor. 

Platform improvements

  • After English and Dutch, users can now also translate messages to German. 
  • Automated report emails now contain more information in the subject and body of the email. 

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: the preview of messages in the wizard was not loading. 
  • Fixed: searches can be edited when they are in a paused case. 
  • Fixed: when a keyword in a message matches with more than 1 filter and not all the matching filters are toggled on, the matching keyword was not highlighted. 


March 2024

Platform improvements

  • Added label for automated reports in report overview
  • Added the option to customize the description of each report widget

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Recentred help-button to block less of the message view

Decommissioned sources

  • Comments from
  • Comments from PowNed
  • Gab
  • Disqus 


February 2024

New features

  • Users can now modify their filters to apply them to different types of content: text, image or video. In order to apply image or video filters, the user must enable image analysis or video transcription in the case first. If these are not enabled, the default filter is applied to text only. 
  • Users can now change their personal view of the message count across case tiles in a monitor by clicking on 'View'. Previously, the message count on the case tiles was fixed to the default of unread messages in the last 24 hours from all sources. 

Platform improvements

  • Users can now change the language of a search after the search is saved. 
  • Library items imported into the library with the same name as existing library items, will receive a copy label, so users can recognize them easier. 
  • Users can now use the previous and forward buttons of the browser to go forward a step or go back forward a step in the Wizard.


January 2024

New features

  • Video transcription: a new service has been implemented that allows the user to automatically turn speech from video's into text. By doing this, the user can filter on what is said in the video. This is a paid service. Please contact or your PublicSonar contact person for the possibilities of a free trial. 

Platform improvements

  • Added 3 more relative report periods (48 hours, 7 days and 30 days). 
  • Automated reports are now disabled for custom report periods to avoid a situation in which the report period keeps increasing indefinitely. 
  • Users can select a period of maximum 2 months in dashboards and maximum 4 months in cases in order to improve platform performance. 

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: automated reports are still being sent after case is paused. 
  • Fixed: ampersand symbols cannot be added into building blocks or locations. 
  • Fixed: users cannot import library items. 


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