Modified on: Fri, 17 Jul, 2020 at 11:31 AM
This Entity category includes Entities that are related to places on Earth.
GPS Coordinate

Entity Meta
Display Name | GPS Coordinate |
Entity Name | maltego.GPS |
Short Description | A location on a World Geodetic System coordinate frame for Earth |
Entity Category | Locations |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Property Name | Type | Display name |
GPSCoordinate | String | GPS Coordinate |
long | float | Longitude |
lat | float | Latitude |
Entity Description
A GPS co-ordinate is represented by two floats separated by a comma and points to a single point on Earth.
Learn more about this Entity on Wikipedia.
Circular Area

Entity Meta
Display Name | Circular Area |
Entity Name | maltego.CircularArea |
Short Description | A circular area somewhere on Earth |
Entity Category | Locations |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Property Name | Type | Display name |
CircularArea | String | Circular Area |
long | float | Longitude |
lat | float | Latitude |
radius | int | Radius |
Entity Description
A Circular area Entity is represented by a GPS co-ordinate and a radius around the co-ordinate. The Entity value is written in the following comma separated format {long, lat, radius}.
Nominatim Location

Entity Meta
Display Name | Nominatim Location |
Entity Name | maltego.NominatimLocation |
Short Description | Nominatim Location |
Entity Category | Locations |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Property Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Nominatim Location | nominatimlocation | string | | Pretoria, South Africa |
Entity Meta
Display Name | Location |
Entity Name | maltego.Location |
Short Description | A location on Mother Earth |
Entity Category | Locations |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Property Name | Type | Display name |
location.name* | string | Name |
country+ | string | Country |
city+ | string | City |
streetaddress | string | Street Address |
location.areacode | string | Area Code |
location.area | string | Area |
countrycode | string | Country Code |
longitude | float | Longitude |
latitude | float | Latitude |
Entity Description
In Maltego the location Entity is officially made up of three fields - city, region and country. The reality is that different Transforms provide different levels of accuracy. The IP to location Transforms might just give a country while other Transforms might give much more detailed information. This makes matching on this Entity difficult. In upcoming versions of the tool this Entity could be fleshed out some more - e.g. to include long/lat or support physical mailing addresses.