Modified on: Tue, 28 Jul, 2020 at 10:48 AM
Mobile Phone

Entity Meta
Display Name | Mobile Phone |
Entity Name | maltego.MobilePhone |
Short Description | A device which can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a wide geographic area |
Entity Category | Devices |
Base Entity | maltego.Device |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Device | device | string | device | Nokia |

Entity Meta
Display Name | Computer |
Entity Name | maltego.Computer |
Short Description | An electronic device for storing and processing data |
Entity Category | Devices |
Base Entity | maltego.Device |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Device | device | string | device | PC |
Mobile Computer

Entity Meta
Display Name | Mobile Computer |
Entity Name | maltego.MobileComputer |
Short Description | A portable computer suitable for use while traveling |
Entity Category | Devices |
Base Entity | maltego.Computer |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Device | device | string | device | MacBook |
Desktop Computer

Entity Meta
Display Name | Desktop Computer |
Entity Name | maltego.DesktopComputer |
Short Description | A personal computer in a form intended for regular use at a single location |
Entity Category | Devices |
Base Entity | maltego.Computer |

Entity Meta
Display Name | Smartphone |
Entity Name | maltego.Smartphone |
Short Description | A mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity |
Entity Category | Devices |
Base Entity | maltego.MobilePhone |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Device | device | string | device | HTC |

Entity Meta
Display Name | Device |
Entity Name | maltego.Device |
Short Description | A device such as a phone or camera |
Entity Category | Devices |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Device | device | string | device | Camera |