Modified on: Mon, 3 Apr, 2023 at 11:46 AM
Education Institution

Entity Meta
Display Name | Education Institution |
Entity Name | maltego.EducationInstitution |
Short Description | An institution dedicated to education such as a school or university |
Entity Category | Groups |
Base Entity | maltego.Organization |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Name | title | string | Name of the educational institution | MIT |
Religious Group
Entity Meta
Display Name | Religious Group |
Entity Name | maltego.ReligiousGroup |
Short Description | A group of people who share religious or spiritual beliefs |
Entity Category | Groups |
Base Entity | maltego.Organization |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Name | title | string | Name of the religious group | Pastafarians |

Entity Meta
Display Name | Organization |
Entity Name | maltego.Organization |
Short Description | A social group which distributes tasks for a collective goal |
Entity Category | Groups |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Name | title | string | Name of the organization | United Nations |
Online Group

Entity Meta
Display Name | Online Group |
Entity Name | url |
Short Description | A socializing service on the Internet such as Facebook, an IRC channel or a mailing list |
Entity Category | Groups |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Name | title | string | Name of the online group | Facebook |
URL | url | string | Web reference |
Political Movement

Entity Meta
Display Name | Political Movement |
Entity Name | maltego.PoliticalMovement |
Short Description | A group of people working together to achieve a political goal |
Entity Category | Groups |
Base Entity | maltego.Organization |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Name | title | string | Name of the organization | Democrats |
Entity Meta
Display Name | Gang |
Entity Name | maltego.Gang |
Short Description | An organized group of criminals |
Entity Category | Groups |
Base Entity | maltego.Organization |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Name | title | string | Name of the gang | Latin Kings |

Entity Meta
Display Name | Company |
Entity Name | maltego.Company |
Short Description | A business organization |
Entity Category | Groups |
Base Entity | maltego.Organization |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Name | title | string | Name of the company | Maltego |

Entity Meta
Display Name | Organization |
Entity Name | maltego.Organization |
Short Description | A social group which distributes tasks for a collective goal |
Entity Category | Groups |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Name | title | string | Name of the organization | United Nations |