
Modified on: Tue, 28 Jul, 2020 at 10:48 AM

Mobile Phone

Entity Meta

Display NameMobile Phone
Entity Namemaltego.MobilePhone
Short DescriptionA device which can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a wide geographic area
Entity CategoryDevices
Base Entitymaltego.Device

Entity Properties

Display NameUnique NameData TypeShort DescriptionSample Value


Entity Meta

Display NameComputer
Entity Namemaltego.Computer
Short DescriptionAn electronic device for storing and processing data
Entity CategoryDevices
Base Entitymaltego.Device

Entity Properties

Display NameUnique NameData TypeShort DescriptionSample Value

Mobile Computer

Entity Meta

Display NameMobile Computer
Entity Namemaltego.MobileComputer
Short DescriptionA portable computer suitable for use while traveling
Entity CategoryDevices
Base Entitymaltego.Computer

Entity Properties

Display NameUnique NameData TypeShort DescriptionSample Value

Desktop Computer

Entity Meta

Display NameDesktop Computer
Entity Namemaltego.DesktopComputer
Short DescriptionA personal computer in a form intended for regular use at a single location
Entity CategoryDevices
Base Entitymaltego.Computer


Entity Meta

Display NameSmartphone
Entity Namemaltego.Smartphone
Short DescriptionA mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity
Entity CategoryDevices
Base Entitymaltego.MobilePhone

Entity Properties

Display NameUnique NameData TypeShort DescriptionSample Value


Entity Meta

Display NameDevice
Entity Namemaltego.Device
Short DescriptionA device such as a phone or camera
Entity CategoryDevices
Base Entitymaltego.Unknown

Entity Properties

Display NameUnique NameData TypeShort DescriptionSample Value

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