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iTDS Activation

Modified on: Wed, 5 Jul, 2023 at 6:40 PM

Once your iTDS is deployed you will need to access the Admin UI in order to activate the server. 

Before you can access the iTDS Admin UI you will need to add your license certificate to your web browser. This process is explained below.

After placing your order, you will receive a Maltego electronic delivery email for that order which includes a download link for your iTDS license certificate. Please save this email, as you will need it to access the iTDS web UI as well as to activate your server as described in the following steps.

Adding Your License Certificate To Your Browser

Any machine having a route to the iTDS can access the "Server License Status" page. To access the Admin UI, you would also need to import the same iTDS license certificate used to activate the server to your machine.

When you are accessing the server for the first time it is expected that an insecure connection warning will be shown. This is because we use certificates signed by a private CA, which are not trusted by your browser by default. 


Please note: Should you wish to deploy your own SSL certificates signed by your internal or commercial CA, please refer to the ‘Advanced Setup’ section for additional instructions.  

Remove any Old Browser Certificates

Note: If this is the first time you are using an iTDS, you can safely skip this step.

Before continuing to access the Admin UI, please note that most modern browsers temporarily remember the certificate that was previously used to access a host. If you recently accessed the iTDS Admin UI, you might need to completely restart the browser or open a new Private Window to be prompted to select a certificate. Therefore, we suggest that you remove the previous certificate from your machine before continuing to import the new certificate. 

In most browsers, under settings/preferences, you have the option to search for a specific setting. In this case, searching for “certificate” will usually reveal an option such as “Manage certificates” or "View Certificates".

In the list of Certificates (change tabs in Certificate Manager if necessary), look for a certificate issued by “Paterva CA" and remove it.

Please note: You might have to restart the browser after removing the certificate for changes to take effect.

Add the new license certificate to your browser

The license certificate used to activate your server will also be used for access control to the iTDS Admin UI. You will need to import the certificate used to activate the iTDS to your system. This can usually be done through your web browser.

Please note: The certificate pass phrase is: “MaltegoServer”.

Accessing the iTDS Admin User Interface (UI)

Navigating to https://{server name / IP (IPv4 or IPv6) }:8000/itds/activate will display a UI for activating your server. 

Please note: The iTDS Admin User Interface is now on port 8000 by default. If you are running a version of the iTDS which is older than 4.2.0, the following URL should be used to access the iTDS Admin User Interface: https://{server name / IP (IPv4 or IPv6) }/itds/activate

Please note: Prior to activation, a warning message will be displayed on the iTDS Activation page, "This server is currently not activated. Please use the form below to upload a valid license certificate. This is normal, and will be removed automatically following successful activation.

From the activation page under the Upload License Certificate section, click the Choose File button and browse to select your license certificate (.pfx file). Click Submit in order to activate your server. 

Once activated, the activation page will display the number of days that your server is valid for under "Server License Status".

Your server is now successfully activated. To access the iTDS Admin, click the GO TO ITDS ADMIN UI button.

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