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Transform Settings

Modified on: Mon, 17 Jul, 2023 at 3:12 PM


Transform settings are a means of allowing additional inputs when running a Transform. Often these are configured as "popups" where the user is prompted to answer a question. An example of this can be seen when splitting an IP address into a Netblock (the popup asks for the size you require the Netblock to be split into):



Transform settings can be configured on the iTDS via the Transform Settings section of the web interface. Once on the Transform settings list page, click the Add Transform Setting button which will lead you to the page shown below:

Each field for adding a Transform setting is described below:

  • Name: A mandatory field requiring a unique name for the Transform Setting . This can be used programmatically in the Transform to fetch the value of the input. 
  • Display: The setting label that will be displayed to the user.
  • Type: The data type of the input in the client. This can either be a string or an integer.
  • Popup: Choose Yes or No to set whether you would or would not want the user to be prompted to add/edit the value before running the Transform. The user is also given the option via checkbox in the client to choose to have their input "remembered" to prevent further popups, however, this will not affect the setting in the server. 
  • Default Value: Mandatory field holding a default value for the Transform setting. This can be modified in the Client.

Optional: True or False. Indicating if the user can choose the leave the input blank.

Once you have added the Transform settings, you can add these settings to different Transforms from the Edit Transform page as shown in the screenshot below:

Changing Transform Settings in the Maltego Desktop Client

If you choose to 'Remember' a Transform Setting in the Maltego Client then you will no longer receive a popup when running a Transform.

If you wish to restore the popup, you can enable/disable this within the Client. To do this, click Manage Transforms under the Manage tab. From here you need to find the Transform, click on the settings and enable or disable the popup as shown below:

For a code example of using Transform Settings with the maltego-trx and the iTDS, have a look at the following articles in the Transform Development Guide: 

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