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Home Page

Modified on: Wed, 5 Jul, 2023 at 8:15 PM

From the server activation page, click on the Go to iTDS Admin UI button. 

Note: The browser accessing the Admin UI should have the same certificate which is used to activate the server.

The first time you do this, you will receive a popup in your browser asking you to confirm the certificate you wish to use as client-side authentication. The popup will look as shown in the image below (this screenshot is taken in a Chrome browser but will be similar in other browsers):


Select your iTDS license certificate and click "OK", you will be re-directed to the iTDS Admin UI home page.

The Home page of the iTDS contains links to the different pages of the iTDS. A short description for each option is provided next to it. The upcoming articles will provide details about each configuration page.


Server Status

At the very bottom of the home page, there is some basic server information detailing what has been configured on your server:

  • Number of Transforms: Total number of Transforms present in this instance of iTDS. 
  • Number of Seeds: Total number of Seeds present in this instance of iTDS. 
  • Number of Transform Settings: Total number of Transform settings present in this instance of the iTDS.
  • Number of OAuth Settings: Total number of OAuth settings present in this instance of the iTDS.
  • Number of Entities: Total number of Entities present in this instance of the iTDS.
  • Number of Paired Configurations: Total number of paired configurations present in this instance of the iTDS.

License Status

Under License Status you will find the common name for your license certificate as well as the number of days remaining before your current license expires.

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