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Modified on: Mon, 17 Jul, 2023 at 6:44 PM

Clicking Transforms from the Home page will open a page containing a list of all the Transforms managed by your iTDS. A newly set up iTDS will have an empty list, as no Transforms have been added yet.

Add a Transform

Clicking Add Transform will lead you to a page which can be used to configure a new Transform. A screenshot is shown in the image below.

Let’s discuss the purpose of each field on this form.

  • Transform Name: This input field requires an alpha-numeric name for the Transform which will be unique in this instance of the server.
  • Transform UI Display: This input field requires the Transform name. This is the name that will be displayed in the client when the Transform is running or being viewed.
  • Transform URL: This input field requires the complete URL of the Transform where the Transform can be executed by sending an HTTP POST request. If you followed the Transform Host Server Setup guide and setup the Transform host server in Docker, then the URL for the default example Transform "greetperson" would be http:// transforms8080 /run /greetperson/. If you setup your Transform host on another server, then you can replace the hostname with the hostname of your Transform server.
  • The Do not test URL checkbox, when unchecked, will make a connection to the Transform when the form is submitted. If the connection fails, the Transform will not be added to the server. To skip the URL test, check this box.
  • Input Entity: Every Transform will have an Entity on which it will run and will take this as the input.
  • Output Entity: This field allows you specify the output Entities for the Transform.
  • OAuth Settings: If the Transform requires OAuth authentication, select the correct settings from the drop-down menu. OAuth settings can be added from OAuth Settings option.
  • Transform Settings: This option will allow you to add certain input prompts to the Transform when it is executed in the Client. A Transform can have zero or more Transform settings. These Transform settings can be added/modified in the Transform Settings option.
  • Seeds: Each Transform should belong to at least one Seed. You can choose any Seed available on the server. A new Seed can be added/modified from the Seeds Option on the server.
  • Edit Meta Data: Clicking Edit Meta Data opens a popup where additional meta data for the Transform can be edited as shown in the image below:

Once all these fields have been set, click Add Transform.

Transform List

Returning to the Transform List page you will see your newly created Transform:

The Filter Table can be used to find Transforms added to the iTDS. Below, you can find descriptions for each column in the Transform List table:

  • Name: This column will display the unique name of each Transform added to the iTDS. There cannot be more than one Transform  with the same unique name.
  • URL: This will display the complete URL of the Transform where it is kept for execution.The complete URL where the transform request is sent for execution.
  • Input Entity: This column shows on which Entity the Transform will be run.
  • Seeds: This column shows the Seed with which this Transform will be distributed.
  • Edit: This button will open the edit view where you can make changes to the Transform configuration.
  • Clone: Clicking the Clone button will clone the Transform but will prompt you to provide a unique name first. You will then be redirected to the Edit Transform page., however, the Transform will be already have been added to the server. This is useful when adding multiple Transforms that have similar configurations.
  • Delete: Clicking the Delete button will delete the Transform. You will be asked to confirm deletion.

A complete example for adding a maltego-trx Transform to the iTDS can be found in the Development Guide: Add Maltego-TRX Transforms to the Maltego Desktop Client via iTDS.

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