Many customers would like to replace our server certificates with their own certificates issued with the correct common name and using their company or commercial Certificate Authority (CA).
Note: This option is only to support SSL encryption of Transform runs using your own certificate. You will still be required to use the certificate provided by Maltego for accessing the admin portal.
Step 1: Prepare Custom SSL Certificate
Copy the custom `server.crt` and `server.key` files to the iTDS directory, e.g. `$HOME/itds/`.
- server_cert.crt: crt file for the new certificate
- server_cert.key: key file for the new certificate
Step 2: Update Docker Compose
Update `itasnginx` section of the docker compose yaml file (e.g. itds.yml), to mount `server.crt` and `server.key`
itasnginx: image: restart: unless-stopped ports: - 8000:8000 # Admin UI - 443:8443 # Transform runner environment: # add-on config volumes: -./server.crt:/certs/server.crt - ./server.key:/certs/server.key
Step 3: Restart Containers
cd $HOME/itds/ docker compose -f itds.yml down docker compose -f itds.yml up -d
Note: Please replace the iTDS directory and the yaml filename with the ones relevant to your environment.