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Transform Host Server Setup

Modified on: Mon, 26 Jun, 2023 at 5:05 PM

Now that you have deployed and activated your iTDS server, it is time to setup a Transform server to host your Maltego Transforms. For a recap on Transforms, refer to our article on Writing Transforms.

Choosing a Transform Library

There are a number of different Transform libraries available for building Maltego Transforms. Our recommendation for use with the iTDS is the Maltego-TRX library which is written in Python.

Note: Some of the libraries only support building local Transforms. Only the Maltego-TRX library is supported and maintained by Maltego Technologies.

Setting up a Transform Host Server

Assuming that you have chosen to use the Maltego-TRX Transform library you can follow the setup guide, Production Transform Server, to provision your Transform server on Ubuntu using either Gunicorn or Apache2 as a webserver.

For development purposes, you can follow this article to quickly setup a Development Transform Server.

Transform Host Server in Docker

If you deployed your iTDS using Docker you may consider running your Transform host server in Docker too.

The iTDS will then be able to communicate directly with the Transform host server using Docker's internal networking.

The Maltego-TRX project contains Dockerfiles and other resources that can be used to build a Development Maltego Docker image.

For specific implementation of setting up a Development Transform host server, please refer to the following links:

Alternatively, refer to the Docker Transform development setup showing the Docker-based Transform development flow to build your own docker.

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