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Updating your server

Modified on: Mon, 27 Mar, 2023 at 1:08 PM

When there is an update available for the Maltego Standard Transform Add-on (CTAS) server you will need to follow the instructions below to install the update.


Upgrading your server from 3.1.x to 3.2.0

Step 1: Login to existing Docker registry

To download the latest Docker images, you first need to log into our Docker registry using the following command: 


docker login 

Enter the CTAS Docker Registry username and password as specified in the Delivery document. 

Note: If the delivery document contains multiple server licenses, the password is different per server license.


Step 2: Create a backup of your current database

Switch to the directory containing the existing Docker Compose YAML file (e.g., $HOME/ctas/3.1.x) and create a backup of the current database.

cd $HOME/ctas/3.1.x
docker exec -it <POSTGRES_CONTAINER_NAME> sh -c "pg_dump -U postgres -d postgres --table=auth_user --table=tks_licensecertificate --column-inserts" > old.sql

Note: You need to replace postgres with the name of postgres container in your existing docker environment. Change $HOME/ctas/3.1.x to existing directory hosting 3.1.x docker compose file and change docker-compose.yaml file name accordingly.

Verify the content of the file, with respect to size: 

ls -sh old.sql

Step 3: Stop existing container 

cd $HOME/ctas/3.1.x
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml down

Note: Change $HOME/ctas/3.1.x to existing directory hosting 3.1.x docker compose file and change docker-compose.yaml file name accordingly.

Step 4: Fetch latest deployment asset and start the server

Download the latest 3.2.0 CTAS deployment asset and copy the content to required directory (e.g $HOME/ctas/).

curl -o ctas_3.2.0.tar
mkdir -p $HOME/ctas/
tar -xvf ctas_3.2.0.tar -C $HOME/ctas/
cd $HOME/ctas
Note: Any existing API keys can be set in the respective field in the api_keys.json file. For more information, please refer to Setting Your API Keys.

Run the script, this script starts the Transform Add-on (CTAS) Server via docker compose.

cd $HOME/ctas

Step 5: Restore license and credential information  

Restore the existing License and Credential information by restoring the database.

cd $HOME/ctas/
cp $HOME/ctas/3.1.x/old.sql .
docker cp old.sql <POSTGRES_CONTAINER_NAME>:/tmp
docker exec -it <POSTGRES_CONTAINER_NAME> sh -c "psql -U postgres -d postgres < /tmp/old.sql"
docker exec -it <POSTGRES_CONTAINER_NAME> sh -c "rm -rf /tmp/old.sql"
rm -rf old.sql

Note: When you import the old SQL file into the new container, you may encounter errors, please note that these can be safely ignored.

Step 6: Verify the change and decommission the previous configuration

Once you verify the new change, we can decommission the old deployment.


cd $HOME/ctas/3.1.x
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml down -v
Note: Change $HOME/ctas/3.1.x to existing directory hosting 3.1.x docker compose file and change docker-compose.yaml file name accordingly.


Verify Update

Once you have successfully updated your server, you can verify the update by browsing to the home page of the server. You will find the new version number in the top left corner as shown in the image below: 


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated 


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