When an iTDS update has been released you may follow these instructions to update your iTDS.
Create a Backup
Always create a backup before updating your iTDS. You will find the version-specific instructions for updating your current iTDS version here:
Backup iTDS versions 4.0.x and 4.1.x
Virtual Machine (VM) Instructions
If you used Maltego's VM images to deploy your iTDS, you must now SSH into the VM.
The default SSH credentials are:
Username: maltego
Password: tasx
Next, please follow the Docker instructions below.
Docker Instructions
Depending on your setup, you may need to run the commands below as root, either by using `sudo`, or by running them from a root shell.
Log in to our Docker registry with the credentials from your iTDS delivery email:
docker login
See the offline instructions below if you cannot log in to our Docker registry with the Docker service running your iTDS.
Stop your iTDS:
docker compose –f itds.yml down
Replace your current iTDS Docker compose file with the latest version: iTDS compose file.
Pull the new docker images:
docker compose –f itds.yml pull
Start your updated iTDS:
docker compose -f itds.yml up -d
Check the logs for update and start-up progress:
docker compose logs –f
When updating from iTDS version 4.1.x (or older), the logs will indicate that an additional migration step is required with a link to the instructions, please follow those if necessary.
Once the logs indicate that the iTDS is up and running, run the following command to ensure the paired configurations are owned by the correct Linux user:
sudo docker exec -u 0 itds-itdsphp-1 chown -R php:php /usr/local/paired_config
Offline instructions
If the Docker service running your iTDS does not have access to the internet, you can use a different Docker service to download the updated iTDS Docker images.
Use the Docker service with internet access to login to our Docker registry, with the credentials from your iTDS delivery email:
docker login
Place the latest version of the iTDS compose file somewhere and use it to pull in the latest iTDS docker images:
docker compose –f itds.yml pull
Save the Docker images to disk:
docker save –o itdsapache.tar docker save –o itdsdb.tar docker save –o itdsphp.tar
Transfer the images to the Docker service running your iTDS and load them:
docker load –i itdsapache.tar docker load –i itdsdb.tar docker load –i itdsphp.tar
Stop your iTDS:
docker compose –f itds.yml down
Replace your current iTDS Docker compose file with the latest version: iTDS compose file.
Start your updated iTDS:
docker compose –d –f itds.yml up
Check the logs for update and start-up progress:
docker compose logs –f
When updating from iTDS 4.1.x or older the logs will indicate that an additional migration step is required with a link to the instructions, please follow those if necessary.
Once the logs indicate the iTDS is up and running run the following command to ensure the paired configurations are owned by the correct Linux user:
sudo docker exec -u 0 itds-itdsphp-1 chown -R php:php /usr/local/paired_config